Author: Vijay
April 28, Thursday, 2011
Yes, it's been four years now, my blog started in 2007, with all your support it's running successfully like a block buster movie by getting promoted in all parts of the world, thanking you all friends for your support and love towards the posts here, all your feedback and suggestions are very much invited, which will rectify the negative too if any and for sure this confidence will be a boost and yield more success in future:)

Author: Vijay
April 19, Tuesday
Though India is a country holds huge set of games and sports, on the other side HOCKEY is our national game, the fantasy and fame over the game of CRICKET alone growing day by day. Sure this is a healthy environment for the GAME Of cricket in our country, already we proved by winning the world cup 2011, still we have to work hard to acquire each and every aspect of the games in fore coming cricket tournaments, if we do so and for sure INDIA will hold a special name for CRICKET in future period......

Author: Vijay
April 14, Thursday
Proud that born and brought up in Tamil Nadu, Oldest of all languages and the language which provides traditional meaning for all aspects of life with valuable epics and poets for life is TAMIL, yes TAMIL language holds huge credits in the world, history says TAMILAN is the first person in the earth, don't know hos far true it is, but sure the culture, traditional values and good life that we following will lead us to be greatest person's in the future world, we have to keep our culture and traditions at the top
Wishing you a happy prosperous year for ALL TAMIL PPl and also to others who love the language and love the culture but living in other parts of the world
But my sincere wish we have to enjoy our own things at the same it should not be harmful to others, similarly we all human but as per locality we are falling in this culture, so enjoy it, feel proud and make the good things further in a peaceful manner by respecting other ppl and their respective culture too

Author: Vijay
Sunday, April 03, 2011
It's been amazing tournament with 14 teams, all they aiming for a single title of course world champions of 2011 hosted by Asian Continents. Right from the beginning many experts mentioned that India will hold this title, yes it became as true, the hard work and aiming for the specific thing in a polite and right manner paves the path for success, hardworking guys in blue with a broad minded captain, who really knows to handled different situations in a sophisticated manner, credits goes to
Mr Dhoni and his team in Blue, great work for holding the championship title in cricket
Proud to be an Indian Cricket fan.....