Author: Vijay
April 28, Thursday, 2011
Yes, it's been four years now, my blog started in 2007, with all your support it's running successfully like a block buster movie by getting promoted in all parts of the world, thanking you all friends for your support and love towards the posts here, all your feedback and suggestions are very much invited, which will rectify the negative too if any and for sure this confidence will be a boost and yield more success in future:)

Congratulations for making it four years in the world of blogging. I have made it two. Keep up the good work.
Many congratulations! 4 years is a long time!
hearty congratulations and heres wishing you many more blogversaries!
Congrats on 4 years!
congratulations. Wish you all the success.
Congrats! :)
Nice to hear that u have been blogging from 4 years.
Hope you have more such blogversaries. :)
Congrats ... 4years is a long time:)
great to see your writing havent lost freshness after four long years...
Congrats on completing 4 years of blogging!
Wow, four years! Congratulations!
Congrats and may you have more to come! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Sorry I'm a bit late in returning the favor, but I'm now following you on GFC. :)
woow! thank you for your comment!!
Congratulations for your great and long years of blogging ! :D I really like your blog.
Please, visit my blog and see the new great project of a Magazine of the Balearic Islands called IN-MEDIATIKA MAGAZINE!! A great magazine that you could see very soon!
Hey, did you join my blog? I didn't see your icon...
cool blog :) congrats on four years of blogging and reaching the masses! keep up the good work!