Author: Vijay
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The first T20 cup champions are Indian's, Dhoni lead the Indian team as Captain, the hardwork and talent has been awarded to the Skipper and Indian team won the championship title in the first T20 world cup, now our team is in good form, Dhoni will lead again in front and these guys performed like that means sure this world cup will be for Indian's, so wishing them all the best for this 20-20 world cup 2010.

Author: Vijay
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Like 64 ancient arts, one of the greatest art in this computer world is web designing, very much eager towards that, wish to learn this concept of designing, not aiming for a highly skilled professional in this art of designing but need to have a fair concept of making such designs in the web.

Author: Vijay
Monday, April 26, 2010
I wish all the Chennai Super Kings players for their win in the season three IPL, many controversy mode of messages are over the IPL, whether they ban this or don't, usually we always shout for our country Indian during the cricket matches, for the past three years we are shouting for our cities, the same that happened in this IPL in more arrogant manner, any how this IPL brings a split over Indian cricket fans, apart from these on the other side our Chennai team, Dhoni's guys(CSK) won the championship title, great applause for them from Cool Blogs and from CSK's sweet lovers.

Author: Vijay
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Initially it's pretty tough to see Chennai players in the Indian team of international cricket squad, after the change of team selector, in every tournament there is at least two Chennai players seeking a position in the International Cricket team, our team selector Chennai man Kris Srikanth helping the Chennai guys, though they perform well in Ranji Trophies and IPL matches but don't know why none of these players giving an average performance in International Cricket tournaments.

Author: Vijay
Sunday, April 18, 2010
As a artist in cinemas everything is tough but very tough thing is comedy, the famous comedians of the world Charlie-Chaplin know this and stated this, in the same style there is a combination in Indian cinemas particularly in the Tamil film industry, these couples had did more than 500 films in Tamil and made a huge of comedies in the style of charlie-Chaplin , they are Goundamani and Senthil.
Especially Goundamani who is famous for all kind of roles, he did as hero, villain, character based roles, wide range of comedian roles in more than 500 films. Each of the comedies are outstanding, none of the Indian artist can do this, though Goundamni scolds others in films, his way of expression and modulation are decent and so sensible along with comedies this fellow make the people to think about some sort of issue in a practical form in such way his dialogues has been framed by himself, but today comedy artists was so boring they don't what they doing in the screens and they making the mode of comedies in a rubbish format. Goundamani you are a lesson for all actors in Indian film industry, really you are a legend to be get credited soon. Goundamani rocks .....

Author: Vijay
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
As already written a post about the oldest language in this world and proved simply as TAMIL, today is CHITHARI THINGAL MUDHUL NAAL(don't understand what it is know? yes today is Tamil new year day) wishing all the TAMIL peoples who were spreaded across CHENNAI TO CALIFORNIA, please don't forgot the essence of our culture and language, be a model for all the peoples( be a good model and teach the best moral for all) thank you.

Author: Vijay
Monday , April 12, 2010
Many friends and many viewers eagerly commenting on my blog posts and describing the cool blogs is so informative and cute, thank you all my friends for the support and am grateful to you always I need these support from your side to make my blog more successive and also some peoples finding some mistakes in my blog posts and these much of comments also necessary to rectify the errors in my information and also in my mode of writing in the universal language. Thank you supports, lets enjoy in this blogger world with nice bogs like yours and mines .. hahahaha

Author: Vijay
Friday, April 09, 2010
In this present modern world we can buy anything in a easy manner with less effort but I can say getting a ticket for events in the Angel Stadium is quite tough one , since it is more popular stadium for many big events, there will be too much of fans and crowds rush for tickets,if you find a company that help you to assist and provide Angel Stadium Tickets means how you will feel? yes this is going on successfully with repeated and referred customers from ACheapSeat, yes they making your tasks easier and doing well as a professional ticket brokers with a value of customer satisfactions, also they providing proper schedule and complete information of the many games and event with respect to time and date in the Angle Stadium which is an international field for baseball. Similarly another important stadium will ever focus for us is Cirque Du Soleil tickets , which is the best stadium Cirque Du Soleil events across the country, watching an event in this stadium is fabulous which brings the event in a lively with lot of excitements, worrying to get tickets for this matches in Cirque Du Soleil tickets we the professional ticket brokers are here to assist you all round the time for your comfort and convenience, here you will get the tickets in a easy manner, you can order the tickets through the phone number 1-708-535-8682, phone lines will be open for you from Monday through Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Central Standard Time after this you will get an confirmation email in your frequently using mail where you need to get confirmed the details that you provided for process verification in a professional manner to assist you in providing the tickets that you ordered for Cirque Du Soleil.
Also for your favorite Jersey Boys , which is quite famous for various musical shows, here acheapseat will provide a list of theaters that showing the Jersey Boys tickets from that you can choose your favorite and nearest one, all the theaters which are listed for Jersey Boys are famous one's, we can sit there for any splendid events to get the reality of shows and we can enjoy fully with best of time and spirit and above all getting the Jersey Boys tickets is tough one, because of so many fans the tickets will go off quickly. Now don't worry for this, it has been made easy and enabled for you through ACheapseat, just by ordering via -email or telephone itself. So you can get received the tickets from here through FedEx, also here there are lot of professionals to assist you in a sophisticated manner with a touch of customer oriented values, that's why lot of repeated and referred customers are here.

Author: Vijay
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Friends, suddenly my pay-pal online account has putted with some limits and the bank account that I initiated in the pay-pal has been pushed to unconfirmed lists, so that I can't able to use my bank account through pay-pal, means I can't able to withdraw, My GOD, at last I got a solution thus by reaching to the pay pal contact us page, they provided the methods to re-confirm the account and to remove the account limits, now I got cleared and able to access the pay-pal without any limits, thank you.

Author: Vijay
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
While compared to foreign countries, our country really lagging in habit of hygiene so how can be a country hygienic, that's not only in government side, first we need to identify the perspectives of hygiene, after recognizing if every one implemented means then only it constitutes and converts a country to be hygienic country, so make our country a really hygienic one and celebrate this HYGIENIC DAY, cheers, be hygiene and teach hygiene to others also, keep rocking friends.....

Author: Vijay
Sunday, April 04, 2010
While comparing to the time, I think am too lazy, lot of peoples are so active, in many of point of view I felt my ignorance and slow mode of approaching is the lazy thing I did, I myself think that I am so furious and fast in approaching things but actually am lagging very much in the important things, while taking the things in practical format of living only I realized and recognized the mode of my approach, even the focus is on right manner the way of approach and making the things is so slow and doing without any big effort that's why am acquiring these much of failures.

Author: Vijay
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Whatever I preferred right from the education to any stuffs as professional or personal the ultimate result that I getting is failure, don't know whether I don't have any capabilities to attain success or else my performance is not upto the level to get in to the path of success or really don't know what to say, will over come and gain success in one day for all things, hope and putting my failures on the path of GOD, to view his face with a lot of success from my side...........

Thursday, April 01, 2010
Hey my friends our great national leaders dream and wish are came together today that too through a couple, hope you know who that couple is? I know peoples you were so clever than me in this internet world, before I finding a gossip you peoples were know A to Z of that story, though this is the post am writing for the leaders and peoples who wish India and Pakistan should be a friends and join as neighbors by leaving the unwanted violence, jealous, misunderstanding between the modern age by trusting the old methods and concepts, thus by spoiling the new generations by implementation the old methods in the form of wars and freedom.
Yes friends our super lady Sania Mirza, for the past three years she is famous all over the world, especially our elementary school students they don't even know their school teachers name who teaching the syllabus but they were keen and know all things about Sania Mirza.
Yes this Indian lady got engaged with our( Sorry please don't use Pakistan, at least now onwards treat that country as our friend) cricket captain Shoaib Malik.
What a combination this is? (India and Pakistan getting combined., )
One doubt where the marriage will be?(think that might be in Afghanistan at Laden's den)
Crazy world this and too crazy peoples here without knowing the real fact of the life and world.
Just think on yourself( every one).