Author: Vijay
Aug 30, Monday, Tuesday
I just want to give a big applause to K.Balachander sir, also as K.B sir,he is the biggest creator in our TAMIL film industry because the two evergreen hero's such as Rajinikanth and Kamalhasan got the Hero credit's through this LEGEND Mr. K.B Sir, he provides best two men's who still entertaining all us in the name of hero,these two hero's RAJINI and KAMAL are real LEGENDS and K.B holds credit for creating these two hero's in Kollywood.

Author: Vijay
August 26, Thursday, 2010
This is not my view, each and every Indian will admire him, such a talented actro but yet he did not received any Oscar award that is the most guilty feel for all his fans, such a versatile and beautiful actor, who dedicated his entire things for films. He is not only a actor, he is a singer, dancer(early days he is a choreographer) a producer, dialogue writer and a master piece director, sure he is a legend who created for film industry, he did films in many languages. Even for many of the actor and actress in today's Indian film industry he is the role model, very different person with different set of views and different modes of execution in both personal and professional life with a success.
Mr.Kamal Hasan, from Indian cinemas

Author: Vijay
August 22, Sunday, 2010
Again this is my own taste, there are lot of beautiful actress there in our cinemas but I considered myself this lady is most beautiful actress and she is the one who brought such a feel within me, there may be lot of modern, trendy, slim models and actress but this girl is so traditional looking such a homely face cut and perfect Indian coded cute girl, I wish to tell one thing you have such a charming and cuteness within yourself and please don't indulge in glamorous role, try to do more homely and character roles in your films rather than ordinary heroine roles with usual duet songs. You are the one who have natural cuteness and charming beauty, Anushka rocks.
ANUSHKA, actress(from Kollywood and Tollywood)Indian cinemas

Author: Vijay
August 17, Tuesday, 2010
Each and every country have different kind of film industry with huge set of artists, there are lot of smart hero's and beautiful heroines all round the media world. But here I going to talk about the most handsome, charming and smartest hero in Indian cinemas, again am telling this is my view, each and every one's view is different from others and you may think some other one is most handsome or beautiful hero, here this is my view and I myself considered this person is most beautiful hero.
Mr.Ajith Kumar from Kollywood, Indian cinemas.

Author: Vijay
August 12, 2010, Thursday
Peoples in India well know about him, he is the style icon of entire film Industry but the peoples from foreign countries also observing him a lot in the recent films, yes he is the super star of cinemas, though he is from Kollywood his name and fame hitting in all parts of the world with huge set of fans all over the world in every countries, his walking, his talking, his naturalistic hair all such things is a different style and his every actions represents a dynamic style, obviously he is the STYLE ICON even at the age of 59(still he is the super star).
MR.RAJINIKANTH(actor in kollywood, Indian cinemas)

Author: Vijay
August 08, 2010, Sunday
Hi friends, in the previous post just shared something about friendship, more over there are lot of posts about the friendship and love in my blog entries but this is going to be something a different topic, Love in India. Friends one thing, in the foreign countries they placing India is the country for better love and relationship, they giving one good example for this as Taj Mahal, a symbol of love for this entire world. But to be frank whether the love in our country have proper recognition and rewards, may be love holds a good place in Cinemas, what about the real life. Be practical, our country is a traditional country, in other countries peoples they themselves decide their marriage(every boy and girl choose their own as per their wish, very liberal) but here in our country more than this few things are important and those things ultimately decide the marriage between two, first one is HOROSCOPE, second one is CASTE, third one is RELIGION, fourth one is COMMUNITY and fifth one is MONEY( parents choosing the groom or bride for their property and money sake).
After these five they considering the guy's and girl's heart and feel. So what do you think about this? How can a love or love cum arrange marriage is possible in this kind of culture, even if a love succeed, the true success lies on marriage so how many love's attaining the real success called marriage. Happy to see on one side there are much importance to our culture and traditions, very proud of it but the same thing on other side it eventually hurting the feel of two hearts.

Author: Vijay
August 5, 2010, Thursday
Every day is friendship day, that's my view and I don't know about others since each one have different tastes. So the thing hereby I wish to say Happy Friendship day, week and what so ever forever to all(including the blogging friends, persons who visiting blog just for the sake and the person who visiting and dropping the comments with a open heart, the persons who reading the posts and dropping the comments by taking their own time on the busy schedule for my blog, the persons who spamming and the persons who feel disgusting to visit my blog and above all the person who loves and follow my blog) happy, happy and a lot of happy giving friendship wishes.

Author: Vijay
August 01, 2010, Sunday
Masters are always master's they won't get vanished what ever age they may be, similarly our little master proved again with an excellent double century in the second test match against Sri Lanka, apart from a record this 200 runs helped team a lot and drawn the second match, this is the fabulous set back against mighty Sri Lankan score of 642 runs in their first innings, marvelous team work by Indian, more credit goes to Sachin. Sachin really seems to be challenge for all the young players in the world of cricket, even Indian junior players admiring him a lot, even at this age his play cannot be overtake by any young player at any of the game, Sachin rocks!