New Blog Movement
Author: Vijay

Author: Vijay
Where ever it may be, the perfect drug center should be a member of Pharmacy association under specific council of the government. Most important is should be fully licensed.
In this machine world people will be easily fell in to depression because of much work pressure, now days even in the school and college days children are pushed to be depression and now you can Buy Wellbutrin for this.Also you can Buy Paxil, a drug which can help to control social anxiety disorder, panic disorders. In this junk food world, one common disease for all is acidity because of contaminated water or because of heavy diet and junk food. Buy Nexium for the acidity problems.
These are really helpful for you and control from specific disorders, of-course this drug center is certified from International Pharmacy Association but these drugs are not blindly applicable for all. Because each and every one's health condition differs according to their hereditary. Hence make sure before buying the drug consult to your family physician.

Author: Vijay
Yes we are living in an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY but pls be dependent on......
While growing be dependent on Mother's care and affection to learn what life is
During School and Collages be dependent on Teacher's to learn what the subject is
While working be dependent on your superiors and clients to learn what the job and projects are into
After marriage be dependent on your partner and child to learn what the relationship and affection means as
Being an Indian always be dependent on our culture and practice to ensure your life should be an example for others
Yes after 60's be dependent on Tablets and Syrups.............
Last but not least
Always make sure that your mind is dependent on your heart to lead a balanced life
An Independent thought but dependent writing
Vijay Anand

Author: Vijay
As KOLLYWOOD fans, based on the title, hope many of you will think it's all about ACTOR AJITH AND ACTOR VIJAY
Certainly not, it's all about me(ofcourse my name is Vijay) and about my role model(actor Mr AJITH), it's been twenty years now Mr Ajith Stepped in TAMIL FILM INDUSTRY, kindly note am not here to comment on any actor by comparing one with other or not to criticize any one for specific thing, am just sharing the things I like with a particular person, and that person is Mr Ajith Kumar, TAMIL film actor
Am from very ordinary family, just a simple person struggling to succeed and now in to the Human Resources Industry, nothing great to describe about me, though my blog filled up with many posts about my favorite actor AJITH, here this post is some what different where I can fix myself and trying to attain the special qualities from my role model
Based on PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL life, am much addicted and admired a person to the core and he is Mr AJITH KUMAR, popularly know as THALA in TAMIL FILM INDUSTRY
The factors which makes me to like him are as follows:
1: Handsome actor that I ever saw
2: Very decent and genuine person(both in media and in real life)
3: It's very tough to see a person with straight forward character in public life, but he is a gem
4: Specialized in other areas like Car driving, Aero modelling
5: Always giving much importance to his family(wife shalini and child anushka) and I like that thing(importance to family)
6: Also I observed, when he smiles, his eyes will smile too, cute expression
So many to tell about him, but don't want to make you all bored here, though I didn't meet him and I consider him as my role model for my life
I have prepared some of my amateur snaps with his professional snaps through PICASA: as follows, kindly digest these
Also I do like
Mr Rajini, addicted to his style and excellent person to be remember for humble and simplicity, superb character
Also I do like Mr Vijay a lot for his evergreen look and dialogue delivery and do excellent in romance , Mr Madhavan a lot for his natural acting and
Mr Vishal a lot for his originality apperance and acting, few more on list
My role model and am a craze fan of you :
Thanks and Regds
Vijay Anand
Author of Cool Blogs
Image Sources: Ajith(Ajithfans, Galatta, Starajith, Bharatstudents, Indiaglitz)
And my pictures are copyrighted under the disclosure policy of this blog(Copying the images strictly prohibited without owner's permission)
And the pictures here in the blog and posts are protected through COPYSCAPE

Author: Vijay
June 1, Wednesday, 2011
Not only for his charming appearances, the way he thinks as a normal human being and the policies he adapting though he is in film industry making a culture and living with the traditions makes me to like him so much
Yes he is my role model
If he is not in TAMIL FILM INDUSTRY, sure I won't like TAMIL FILMS

Wishing you happy birthday Mr Ajith Kumar, I love you a lot
For sure if you are not here at TAMIL FILM INDUSTRY, sure I won't watch any films, I love all your films especially for your homely appearance and genuine personality with excellent expression and your acting rocks in few films
I will watch your films N number of times in Television and in CD
The factors which makes me to like you
1:Handsome actor that I ever saw
2: Very decent and genuine person(both professionally and personally)
3:It's very tough to see a person with such a good character in media, he is gem
4: Specialized in other areas like Car driving, aero modelling
5:Always giving much importance to his family(wife shalini and child anushka) and I like the thing, where ever he go in public meet he wish to go with shalini(very good husband for her and very nice father for anushka)
6:Special things; when he smiles his eyes too will smile, cute expression and only actor in media who holds huge set of MALE FANS because of your genuine character and personality in TAMIL FILM INDUSTRY
Especially movies like Vaali, Villan, Citizen, Dheena, Vaaralaru are chanceless and excellent acting, none of the actor can do such different roles
Love you Ajith
Yours lovingly
your true fan

Author: Vijay
April 28, Thursday, 2011
Yes, it's been four years now, my blog started in 2007, with all your support it's running successfully like a block buster movie by getting promoted in all parts of the world, thanking you all friends for your support and love towards the posts here, all your feedback and suggestions are very much invited, which will rectify the negative too if any and for sure this confidence will be a boost and yield more success in future:)

Author: Vijay
April 19, Tuesday
Though India is a country holds huge set of games and sports, on the other side HOCKEY is our national game, the fantasy and fame over the game of CRICKET alone growing day by day. Sure this is a healthy environment for the GAME Of cricket in our country, already we proved by winning the world cup 2011, still we have to work hard to acquire each and every aspect of the games in fore coming cricket tournaments, if we do so and for sure INDIA will hold a special name for CRICKET in future period......

Author: Vijay
April 14, Thursday
Proud that born and brought up in Tamil Nadu, Oldest of all languages and the language which provides traditional meaning for all aspects of life with valuable epics and poets for life is TAMIL, yes TAMIL language holds huge credits in the world, history says TAMILAN is the first person in the earth, don't know hos far true it is, but sure the culture, traditional values and good life that we following will lead us to be greatest person's in the future world, we have to keep our culture and traditions at the top
Wishing you a happy prosperous year for ALL TAMIL PPl and also to others who love the language and love the culture but living in other parts of the world
But my sincere wish we have to enjoy our own things at the same it should not be harmful to others, similarly we all human but as per locality we are falling in this culture, so enjoy it, feel proud and make the good things further in a peaceful manner by respecting other ppl and their respective culture too

Author: Vijay
Sunday, April 03, 2011
It's been amazing tournament with 14 teams, all they aiming for a single title of course world champions of 2011 hosted by Asian Continents. Right from the beginning many experts mentioned that India will hold this title, yes it became as true, the hard work and aiming for the specific thing in a polite and right manner paves the path for success, hardworking guys in blue with a broad minded captain, who really knows to handled different situations in a sophisticated manner, credits goes to
Mr Dhoni and his team in Blue, great work for holding the championship title in cricket
Proud to be an Indian Cricket fan.....

Author: Vijay
Thursday 31 March 2011
AS discussed earlier in previous post, it's time to appreciate my co-blogger also she won the credit of 100th follower in Cool Blogs follower's list
Her blog is named as
Lagaz Designs
with the URL of
Of course Melissa from Canada is winner
Let give a sound clap through text for her..
Happy Blogging

Author: Vijay
March 29, tuesday, 2011
As I mentioned earlier, just crossed 400 posts, would like to continue more in a much better manner, on seeing other side there are 95 followers, thanks for all your support. sure you are the true credits behind this much growth in the blog world, also would like to offer something for a person who going to become an 100 th follower
so who is that?
Will you be a 100th follower for COOL BLOGS
Sure there is some gift awaiting for that special blogger in my blog world, more encouragements are coming down the track
Also in the comments section, weekly a person going to be named as a MOST FAVORITE BLOGGER
Lot's more just wait and see, enjoy roaming in my COOL BLOGS, any time if you felt hot here pls get back to my knowledge since I strongly say this is the most coolest place in blog world, hope all my blogging friends enjoy the coolness in this summer session

Author: Vijay
It's proud for my blog because hereby am presenting my 400 plus posts and winning the fame in the blogger world and getting crowned and sitting in blogger hearts, thanks for all your support which makes my blog success and this will continue also yield more success in the future
Also hereby planning to add more blogs in my blog lists and many gifts, offers for the other bloggers and visitors are on the way
Enjoy yourself and keep encourage others