Author: Vijay
I opened all my usual sponsored and blogging things, by the way let its boring to wait on the other and don't know what to do in this span of time, forwading the messages to my friends in mobile also get worst and very bored to carry that task too. At last, I switched on my windows player and listed my favourite songs in the favourite songs paly list on the additional tab of my windo palyer list to relax my self, don't know why I got more relax and inspiration especially due to the musics and my list of favourite songs.

Author: Vijay
Well, it's pretty good. The people I worked with last night are mostly Filipino and they speak "bisaya"...sige lang mi ug tabi after patient care:-) So far I'm having fun taking care of patients though sometimes there are tough or not well oriented patients. But that's why they are there because they can't take care of themselves. They need help! I think my heart is really into the medical field hehehe because I love what I'm doing. I just wish I can get into the nursing program quick so I can work as an RN sooooooon and get paid more than what I make now.

Author: Vijay
Oh my! Thanks God its my day off today. It's cleaning time for me. Early this morning I got up around 6am before husbee left for work. Just after he left, I came back to bed with the laptop with me:-) I tried to chase some opps but oh boy the big fish slipped away from my hand. Poor me today! I fall asleep after I failed in chasing opps. I guess I was tired.
I just wake up right now and I check ppp there 's a small fish! Oh well better than nothing right? I still have lots of stuff to do around the house. I have to f

Author: Vijay
Hi folks goodmorning! I don't really have that much to say because I'm tired and lazy today. Since I started working, I get lazy to wake up early to chase opps or sit in the computer to wait for the opps:-) I don't even update my blog no more and
do bloghopping as well. I do appreciate to all those who always visit my blog and left some messages. Thank you!!! I will do my bloghopping during my days off.

Craving for Chips
Author: Vijay
Two years ago, when I went home in the Philippines , I went to roam around the night market when I found this old woman who are selling Banana Chips and Taro Chips. I was already familiar with the Banana chips, so for a change and out of curiosity, I bought the Taro Chips. And to my surprise, I liked its taste! I loved it! It’s taste is similar to that of a potato chips and I prefer of dipping it with mayo and ketchup before eating it. Gosh! I’m starting to crave for taro chips. I can’t really forget the experience of indulging myself with taro chips.

Author: Vijay
My friend ate Ellen came over here in the house earlier today. She called me last night and said she wants to come over to visit me today. Lucky I'm off today. She brought some food from KFC:) It's been a while we don't see each other because she's busy working as a doc and I'm busy too. Haayyy life... Oh well forget the drama!
I just want to say thank you to ate Ellen for coming over and bringing some food. You are so good for treating me as part your family. Salamat kaayo te.

Author: Vijay

Author: Vijay
The news about today's transport strike started around last week. People were saying that there would be no classes that day and that everybody should really participate in the strike and show their sympathy about high gas prices. There were others too who said that there will still be classes - strike or no strike! Grrrr....
Anyway, I woke up around 6:30 am, way too early for my 1 pm class. But I had to go early because I had some things to attend to at school. Plus, I want to study there (coz there are a lot of distractions at home). My friend texted me and told me there were classes. So I took a bath, got dressed, ate breakfast and my dad gave me a lift to my school. When I arrived there, people were already saying that there were no classes. And there weren't any!!!! Grrr... I went early for nothing!
Enough of my rants... bottomline is, I hope that this problem regarding gas prices will be resolved soon. I just hate it when people complain that they are poor already or they don't have money because of high gas prices. I hate it when I see jeepney drivers and other motorists suffer because of it. I just hate the fact that it is really a big problem in our society. I just hate it!

Author: Vijay
It was first day of school and all the mothers were surprised seeing that the room seemed crowded. During the enrollment, it was promised that there would be no more than twenty students in the room. Now, they are 26! Imagine that! How can they manage it? The teachers were apologetic and they said that they will come up with a solution and we just have to wait for the announcement. I asked where my son is going to be seated and I told them that I do not like the idea that he be seated at the last row. They said it would be temporary. All the other parents are becoming furious also.
Finally, last Thursday, the school management realized that they themselves could not handle 26 students in one class. There will now be two sections with 13 students each. Not bad at all.

Author: Vijay
Yipeee!It is my rest day tomorrow!That's how I always feel at the end of a day's work before my rest day. And today, yes it is my rest day. What makes it so special? Well, besides the obvious of being away from work and all the pressures that come with it...I can really relax in my own ways.
What do I do during my rest days? It is as regular as yours I suppose.I want to enumerate them.
1.Long sleep- I love sleeping. I love sleeping more than eating. I can sleep the whole day for 20 hours! I say 20 hours and not 24 because there are some hours for of course, a " little eating"..He, he. But now, that I am married and has a very good and "behave" son, a few hours of sleep after lunch time will do.
2.Malling- Yes. Going to the mall is already a part of our lives. I do not exactly love malling but we have to go there because our son would like to go to the Arcade for some games.We also do the marketing at the mall's Supermarket. Of course, the window shopping in the mall is also in the list. Then of course, we eat there.
3.Laundry Work- I also do all the washing during my rest days.It is automatic already. It becomes robotic of me that I cannot do away with washing clothes during my rest days.
4.Ironing clothes- it is not as regular as washing but there are times that all I want to do is to iron all our clothes.
I think that's about it. Whew! Seems like I did not have a rest day at all? Oh, I forgot to include that I will be the one to take care of my child for 24 hours! Ha,ha!
That's how my rest day goes. Hmmm...Even if my off from work is somehow more work...I will still say that my rest days are precious.I know that you know what I mean.

Author: Vijay
We’re now in the middle of the week. It seems this week the weather is so quiet changeable, cold, windy then quiet warm, huh! As you know we’re in the fall season now, which I like the most the leaves are, colourful that makes at the outside more beautiful.
Anyway, I am now 3 months (if I am not wrong) member of EC card dropping and I am enjoying dropping to those people who have patient dropping their EC card to mine. I know who were always dropping EC card. Don’t hesitate just drop yours, if you drop I drop to yours too. Well, see you then! Wish you had a great Wednesday.

Author: Vijay
I not know what to say in here. lol. Well, first i am not Imelda hehehe.... this is Rosemarie of My Journey, Celebrate Life , Deeply In Love. Yay, ipromote ba ang mga lahat ng blog ko dito. lol.. Anyway, while typing this post i am not sure if ma'am Imelda is still in the land of dream or in the venue of the siminar.
By the i am finally done with the layout of her other blog see it here and hopefully she will like it. hehehe...

Author: Vijay
Ya some people claim that they prefer summer in the philippines than summer in canada.
what do i think?
summer in the philippines is hot. humid. and sunny. summer in canada is hot. dry. and scorching.
last year when i didn't realize that summer was about to start, i was surprised to see my son come back from school 2 shades darker than when he had left for school.

Author: Vijay
One of my friends is thinking of putting up a restaurant and is now in the process of planning her business and researching her market.
As with any new business, the planning stage is always the most exciting phase. from naming the restaurant, to creating the menu, to choosing the furnitures, each area is thoroughly explored and well thought of.
Sourcing of suppliers is one area that she is very particular about. quality of suppliers is something that is non-negotiable as this would directly affect the image of her business.

Author: Vijay
Hi everyone, just a quick update you know. I am still here and a quick checking this blog and quick sitting in front of my computer. You know, I just have nothing to do at home but I felt lazy and tired to post new entry in here, I usually play with my baby boy and besides I talked to my sis in Florida and bros in Philippines through online communication when my son in deep sleeping. It seems couple of days now I didn’t write new entry in here anyhow at this time I am not motivated to post new entries I feel kind a lazy at this moment and don’t know what I should write and share all of you. I’ll be back later on for more updates in here. Don’t worry about your EC card dropping, I’ll drop mine when you drop yours. (smile)

Author: Vijay
I woke up today and prayed that it will be a good day! I will be back to the office but I still feel lazy. Would you believe that I have not iron my office uniform? There is no excitement at all.
Before, I am always excited to go to the office. I do not know what is getting into me now. But, I know that I should love my work. The company I am working for has been good to us.
I guess I just have to find something to inspire me going to the office again...besides the usual chit chat that I will be having with my office friends.
I just hope though that they will be present today. Really, I draw strength and energy from them. If it is their rest day, then I would really be lonely .

Author: Vijay
Normally I found lazy only, but in addition to that today I felt too lazy in the morning itself don't know why it is like that. I felt climate may be a reason for such a lazy mind set in the morning itself. Am still sitting on bed and sighting the climate itself, such a wonderful climate it is. Today so cloudy climate no sun, cool air blowing in all directions makes me feel sooth and little shivering too due to cool air, liek my cool blogs..HA HA. Hence I felt too lazy to start my things, but dont find lazy to write post in my blog, such a enthusiastic person am towards my blog. HA HA

Author: Vijay
Whether we endured a difficult childhood or experienced rejection from a hurtful lover, we all have emotional wounds in need of healing. As part of the preparation for magnetizing your soul mate you must now decide to actively begin healing the deepest wounds of your heart. Please note that I said to “begin” the healing process. For many of us this may be a lifelong process and it doesn’t mean you have to be fully healed to manifest your soul mate. In fact, one of the things a soul mate does is HELP you to heal
your deepest wounds. BUT . . . I believe you really do need to clear out the stuff that is KEEPING you from having your soul mate in your life. If the walls around your heart are ten feet thick and you are unaware that you are blocking love from entering you will be sending the Universe mixed messages. One part of you will be a giant YES to having a relationship while your wounded heart is unconsciously saying “No, I am afraid of being hurt again.”

Author: Vijay
So Australia gave themselves a chance, but as you'd expect these days, against Laxman, Tendulkar and co. didn't quite have the cattle to claim 10 Test wickets in two and a half sessions. Gone are the days of Warney hey?
Well, a draw here makes Australia's job of retaining the Border-Gavaskar Trophy that bit harder. A one-nil lead was what was required.
Eventhough its a test series it took place like a one day cricket with twists and turns all round the innings.

Author: Vijay

Author: Vijay
The killer fish in my aquarium is fascinating. I don't know it catches mosquitoes until today when i was looking at it intently because i was supposed to feed it. At a quick impulse, it got the hovering mosquito above the waters in its aquarium. I thought at first, that the fish would fly out of the aquarium. I love this fish. It kills my number one enemy, mosquitoes. Mosquitoes enter the house despite our screen doors and windows. They are are wise to go along with people coming in and out of the house. Now, i have the killer fish to eat them together with the house lizards.

Author: Vijay
Allergy is something canadians take very seriously. and with good reason too. as reactions to allergies are sometimes fatal.
A lot of the people here in canada are allergic to something. in schools, students are required to bring peanut-free snacks and lunches because a lot of the students are allergic to peanuts. this serves as a preventive measure in the event that the student decides to trade their snack or lunch with someone else.
when friends of my children come over, i also make it a point to ask the parents if their child is allergic to anything. with so many allegies here, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Author: Vijay
It’s another Monday. We’re almost in the middle of the month of October, right? Times goes by so fast we are closer now of the month of Christmas. My mom flight going back to Philippines is getting closer and closer, I am busy buying and thinking what I should buy more for presents for my dad, sis and bros (pasalubong). I am sure I will miss my mom hmm.. In addition, I am sure my mom misses also her first grandchild.
Anyway, what keep me busy at this moment, I am doing book album for my mom. Yesterday I already sent to ifolor.ch service the first book album but I have a lot more photos for book album for my mom. I hope this will not be late, but I am trying to find a new service making book album that they can ship direct to the Philippines to my parents address. I hope I could find one. Let me search folks. I will tell you more later on.
Wish you had great day wherever you are around the globe. Tschüss

Author: Vijay
We were watching ABS CBN Channel 2 then the screen went blank. When it came back, the channel was already Cartoon network! Who changed the channel? The remote control was inside the bedroom. There are only three of us in the house and all of us were at the sala. We just looked to each other and I turned the channel to ABS again. We did not entertain any thought of ghost as my husband’s mother died recently. What do you think?

Author: Vijay
I am now trying to balance my time. I have not done the actual schedule of my daily activities yet but I realized that yes, I should have time for everything. Sacrifices would be made but I hope that it would be for the better. I am sure that my husband is noticing that I now go to bed earlier than usual. I do not wake up in the wee hours of the morning also. I am also trying to become a better wife and mom meaning doing my obligations as the woman inside the house. I mopped our floor two days ago! Whoa! You might think why I am so proud of it? I never mopped our floor before. I am that lazy. I did mopped floors of a certain fast food store though when I was still working as a service crew. Yeah, I can mop with pay, ha,ha,ha!
I can do the laundry but cleaning the house? I am not really good at that. I am taking one day at a time though. I could not rush everything.

Author: Vijay
I was in a friend's house the other day.
He was up preparing food when i noticed that his playstation was left open in the basement. so i went up and told him about it.
He casually said that he really left it on. "what?! why would you do that? isn't that such a waste of electricity?"
"no. because i'm playing." "how can you be playing? you're not playing. you're up here, cooking."
"I AM playing. it's on auto-pilot." "WHAT?!?! it's on what?!"

Author: Vijay
Hey bloggers if you need to know, How to collect stamps and build that habit? Then you need to visit Armand Rousso, which is one best blog I never saw in regarding the stamp collection. Stamp collection is one of the best habit a man should posses in this world. The blog gives important stuff about number of different stamps available in this world. This is other wise known as Philately. The blog also make sures even basic details required for blog collection. They mention about the need for children to adapt this type of habit.

Author: Vijay
Raining season is here once again. I noticed our kitchen is leaking again on the walls. Water drips down to the flooring. I wish it is Saturday already, so i can call a handyman and fix it for us. I was telling my son that he should know how to make minor fixes in the house. Maybe , its too early yet, he's just 13 to give him that responsibility. Anyway, a handy man may be available on Satruday so goodbye, leaks.

Author: Vijay
I accompanied my kids to the dentist yesterday.
As i was waiting outside the waiting room, a little girl around 7 or 8 years old, came out from the dental room and was on her way out the door when she was stopped by her mom.
Her mom told her, "wait, let me pay first." to which her daughter replied, "what?!?! you actually have to pay for this?? you pay to torture me?!"
All the mommies in the waiting room couldn't help but laugh.

Author: Vijay
Have you noticed that Blogger is getting friendlier? I tried the other platform before but I just can't get through with the template editing and the like. With Blogger, it is so easy. Moreover, when you go to the dashboard now, there are added graphics- they actually changed add new widget to add a gadget. Maybe to make it known that it is okay to experiment on your blog and those new widgets are actually gadgets that will make your site look cooler.

Author: Vijay
I received a call from my friend Grace today. She lives in Canada already. We have known each other since we were in Grade 5, though we really became really close when we were in College. Yes, we were classmates most of our school years. We were church mates and member of the same choir too at one point. Talking about long lasting relationships, huh!
We basically watched each other grow. We might not be best of friends but we are true friends. I love Grace. She never forgets to call on a regular basis besides the constant e-mails.She inspires me also. We took Physical Therapy and she is now a certified Physical Therapist. I have not passed the boards and she is trying to push me to persevere. Say, she is really a good influence to me.
She said that she misses my company. I do also. You know, those times that we will just stay at her place and she will cook kare-kare, chicken curry or the lumpiang gulay. She is also a very good cook by the way. She is also my movie companion. She was living nearby a mall before. And you know what? I also inherited her place when she left for Canada.
Hay, almost all my friends are abroad already. I really miss all of them. They are the ones who really know me inside and out. I can be myself to them without any fear of being misjudged or hurt.

Author: Vijay
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. We write for our own purposes. However, we may be influenced by our background, occupation, religion, political affiliation or experience.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

Author: Vijay
Have you gotten over the news about the new released cell phone that works as a cell phone and at the same time a music instrument like a violin, a guitar, a clarinet and an organ? I heard it over the TV news that it is the new release in the market. I saw the cell phone unit that is a sleek one and used as various musical instruments. It is really so amazing how the people behind these can be always steps ahead to integrate the many functions of varied things into the cell phone unit, which is a basic gadget every individual can't live without everyday. Let us wait and watch the multifarious facets of this cellphone and how this would impact upon the lives of men.

Author: Vijay
It is almost summer time and the hot weather is starting to make its presence felt.
After a long season of heavy and layered clothing, everyone certainly welcomes the change. my kids are enjoying the warm breeze and are enjoying the fact that they are able to wear lighter clothing.
On an average warm day, you would see my daughter wearing either a dress or a skirt while my son chooses to wear pants to cover his legs from the heat and to protect it from possible scratches which he could get from playing with his friends.

Author: Vijay
The beautiful mind is a really awesome movie.It casts Russell Crowe as John Forbes Nash who is a noble laureate and is known for his work in economics. Russell Crowe has done really wonderful job in this.I love the way he acts schizophrenic is totally cool, All his mannerism are totally opposite To what he was potrayed in movies such as the gladiator or the LA Confidential. It is really an treat to watch as Russell Crowe is at his best in this movie. Especially when is asked to help people inside the pentagon facility,We can really witness the what a great actor he is. All i got to say is that this movie went into my collection long back!!!! The favourite scene of mines that moment they were play the game around the street in a cool manner, what a scene I admired a lot,it turns my mind a beautiful one after watching such a wonderful movie and enjoyed too.

Author: Vijay
I have received some images from one of my blogger friends and I thought to share about those pics here, which have different funny shapes in the art of food. I thought the creations are cool and totally wild. I’ve shown some of them to the kids and they were both amazed and now bugging me to make the same “hahahhaah”, I can’t even carve a decent pumpkin head. I love the watermelon and I will make one if it’s not too expensive. Watermelon can cost from $5 to 7 a head here in Georgia.
The bread is pretty wild with the knife in its mouth and I like the apple too. I might do the apple later tonight and will see if I can make the same art. Anyway, I don’t have much news for right now. I’ve just woke up and hour ago. I need to get out and do some errands.

Author: Vijay
One of my favourite game is cricket that one of most favourite team for me in cricket is Australia. There may be many doubts over the cricket fans regarding the cap that is being reffered as “Baggy Green”.Over a period of time it has become a unique brand in cricket with media also playing a role in it’s importance..There is a tradition in Australian Cricket for many years whereby a debutant gets the baggy green presented to him by a former player.The Australian baggy green is not available for merchandising nor is the Australian Test shirt.ACB and now Cricket Australia has ensured that the cap has not fallen prey to the merchadising industry.