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Author: Vijay
Wednesday December 31, 2008
Hi my dear bloggers and blogging friends, also sweetest visitors, here by Cool Blogs of mines has hitted over the one fifty posts and there by I putting great effort in my blog to bring up all the possible information to my friends and need all your support to enhance this in a much more grander way..thank GOD.

Author: Vijay
Wednesday December 31, 2008
The hard working team in the cricket always represented like so, even though putting great efforts, some how and some where this country losing their power and missed out many fames in world cup over the fast few years. But now there is a fire among the players which pushed them to put a great effort in the game mode for past few months, winning in all sides against all countries both in the one day international cricket and in test match cricket. Now the series against the Australia is going on, as per the updates, South Africa knocks the Austalia in this series, only two match series this is among the two matches South Africa won both the matches and claim the cup from the world champions Australia, it’s is the historical win for the South African’s against the world champion that in their place.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 30, 2008
Online is the way of connecting the world even known peoples or unknown peoples? Why I too got more benefits in online, by providing my blog COOL BLOGS to this world also collected more online friends through my bloggers. But this online friendship is not a worthy thing, most of the time it provides a worst kind of relation even they get closed in online or through any dating stuffs. Since we can’t able to judge the details that they furnished about him or her will be true or a fake things because we are unseen peoples but we get connected by talking here in through online mode of communication. So while collecting peoples through online as friends or for any other dating stuffs, we have to be beware about the mode of site we getting connected and the type of people we getting connected, more fake and money minded sites also there, so my dear blogging friends and visitors of my COOL BLOGS, there by I stressing you to get good things and avoid bad things especially in online stuffs.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 30, 2008
US election is one of the greatest things held in this year, which has under gone many changes and many comments from the public and the politicians. US the giant and captain for all the other nations, and election in this UN states had pulled the attention of all the countries in this world, putted a remarkable effect and holds a greatest history. In the history of US election this is the first time a black race person has been governed and awarded president post of the greatest nation through a common election, remarkable thing it is.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 30, 2008
In the world of cricket era, a new foundation has been laid by the ICC thus by introducing the twenty twenty cricket and a separate world cup for that twenty twenty series in this year. That too the tigers of the cricket my favorite Indian team has been motivated and roared like a tiger in those twenty twenty series, by taking the champions name in this world cup. The man behind this effort for success is MAHENDRA SING DHONI, who knocks in all direction. Managed the team in front and ruled all the other team in the name of Indian captain, at last brought my favorite India to the peak in the one day international matches and also in the test cricket. All the names and fames for this new captain, not seems like a new captain he acted well and done a great work for his team and this man surely will get great awards for his greatest achievements in the cricket for this year.

Author: Vijay
Monday December 29, 2008
The world champions of the cricket all we know; it’s none other than Australia. The person behind all these victory and leading the world champion team is the versatile player, yes the skipper of the Australian cricket team Ricky Ponting. Ricky Ponting is my favorite player too. His records go on raising, recently again the South Africa in the test match he putted his thirty seventh test cricket century. On the other hand the master blaster Sachin Tendulkar on his way plays with a peak record of forty one centuries in the test cricket match. This young player nearing the master blaster record, all his fans and specially am happier about his records, hope he will gain more records in his cricket game mode. All the best Ricky ponting…cheers fans!

Author: Vijay
Monday December 29, 2008
The Hollywood is the epitome place for the best films and best actors. Since it produced many best films and many talented actors and show the talents of the artists through the films they took and produce. I very much interested in Hollywood, since it’s our epitome place and gave lot of high quality pictures to all over the world. In the year 2008 Hollywood were undergone lot of changes that I observed not only me, all our Hollywood lovers know what are the adverse changes that had been took place in this year 2008 in the Hollywood films, production, acting methods, direction and in all ways. These changes will take our film Industry again to the top, hope this would rise and won lot of hearts through the fore coming productions.

Author: Vijay
Monday December 29, 2008
The elixir and essential duty which we do in the morning to make our self clean and to present our self neat to others is bathing. Bathing which is the compulsory morning duty of every individuals, also which keeps our health hygiene and healthy. While going for bath the other than soap one of the necessary thing we will use is the towel. All will use towel to make their body wipe out after bathing, most of them forget to take towel with them while going for bath and they shout by standing in the bath room also they ask some body to bring the towel after the bath. These are the reason for not proper usage of towel, some poor quality towels makes our self irritation while using it after our bath. I too feel some problems while using some towels which were very rough and tough to use, at last it damages our skin area. So I have founded a pleasant thing from razal they furnishing quality towels with all designs. I check out the catalog of all towels which seems to be very attractive and worthy, for a small expensive cost. I like Towel Cakes, it is a face towel which is very well designed as like slice of delicious cake and more attractive and quality material, lots and lots of designs are available there for the bath and body gifts, my dear friends please try this beautiful and seductive products those like me then you will find the right thing.

Author: Vijay
Sunday December 28, 2008
As a cricket lover, to my blogging friends and also for all the cricket fans, I have to submit this news through my post. After a great won in the Aussies series against the australia, India the tiger of cricket proves builds the strength of the team by again taking up the series from the england in the RBI series, applause for the Indian team and wishing the team for the further success in all modes of the game.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 23, 2008
In such type of financial locking condition, the newly appointed president of our nation stated that after the three days from my date of rule, I will make my nation well and will release our nation from this financial lock. These are the exclusive words indicating his brilliant act before the implementation of plans. Hence our new president Mr Barack obama will execute all his plans well and hope will produce a key for this financial lock of the wealthy nation.

Author: Vijay
Over the past few months, the biggest industry and banking sector got back up with the some financial issues. There is heavy loss in the share market, most of the big share holders get in to depression, such worst revenue revolving around the richest nation. We all the American’s are well and richest in the list, but this back lock in the revenue creates many social issues along all countries, since our firms had many mnc branches all over the other developed nations, so there arise a big chaos for the US firms and banking sectors.

Author: Vijay
Mr Obama going to undertake our nation soon, as president he preparing himself with his great plans and these plans are well equipped and designed in an extra ordinary manner. He planning’s to make the already developed nation US to get much more developed in all ways, by recovering from the financial loss and share market rise up, more over he planning to make many treaty with many developed nations to develop the financial and business strategy for the beneficial on all sides towards the advance development.

Author: Vijay
Hi my dear blogging pal’s also my dear visitors, all we know that we are naturally got addicted to the cricket matches in advance now days. So for all those cricket lovers, I had been arranged to bring up the live updates and scores through my cool blogs. Yes, friends you can watch the live updates and scores of the second test of India versus England test match in a cool way from the cool blogs. Enjoy!!

Author: Vijay
One of the delightful dish and tasty dish is American natural pop corn with cheese rolled nuts. But I found that most of the shops selling the worth able American pop corns as a duplicate product. In the name of American Delight, they are giving worthless and unseeded pop corn with some gravy ingredients in a worthless manner, that too for a high cost of eating. So we have to realize the tasty and worth able food and enjoy eating the quality stuffs in quality shops.

Author: Vijay
Ruling a country is not a easy thing, that too ruling a world richest country is the extra ordinary thing. All we know the highest post in this world is the president of America. I came to know a thing that our George W Bush one of the greatest man, president of the US Nation, had a black mark that too due to a men, he faced that black mark, recently in the public while delivering the speech he was punished by a a men that too he thrown her shoes on the greatest position man George w Bush before every one. I was surprised to hear this thing, I don’t know what the reason behind this, one of the worst thing is the greatest leader of the nation had been punished badly before every one. Other thing every one have to think why that men behaved this much cheaply before a leader of the rich nation that too he is a journalist, being a journal he should realize and recognize her mistakes.

Author: Vijay
I started my day earlier today than the usual practice. I alarmed my phone at around 5:00am. At dawn, the rain started to fall, so the morning is so cold. Hence, I woke up passed 6:00am. Well, that is still early for me. I waited for quite a while for the rain to stop. The hour had passed and the raindrops were still falling. So, even it is still raining, I rushed to the terminal to catch a ride for my class. I was late, though, but still able to catch the lesson.
It was a whole day class. It was brain-draining. Going back home was my next activity after the class. I need to ride again for about 2 hours. Although I was just sitting for the 2 hours trip, it was still physically draining. Need to rest now..

Author: Vijay
There has a been temptation and sensation that revolves around all hearts, since it's a beauty competition there is no work for any one's mind. Hence every one heart's melts by looking all the contest holders who went in final rounds of the miss world 2008.Finally it's a unexpected results after a long time women from the Russia,Miss
Russia's Ksenia Sukhinova has been crowned the Miss world title by beating all the other participants.

Author: Vijay
A Filipina friend of mine gave me some of her home-made pandesal and cinnamon rolls yesterday. She is really a good cook and her pandesal taste so good. Here in the US especially in Texas, you can't find pandesal in the stores or bakeshops. I was so delighted when my friend called me and she told me that she will stopped by and give me some of the pandesal and cinnamon rolls that she baked. I told her before that my hubby love to eat pandesal and both of us have been craving for it. We ate some of the pandesal last night and we still have some left and I put it in the freezer. They were so good! It won't be long and we will be in the Philippines and we can eat freshly baked pandesal. I can't wait to be there.

Author: Vijay
I have so many things to do this weekend.I feel im going to explode!LOL.The very first thing i hate is,we have a class every saturday.And we had only one day to rest.WTH.And that one day will be consumed for my assignments,review quizzes,and for my report.I really don't know if i can finish it all tomorrow.I also have to iron my clothes.And i am planning to accomplish it as soon as possible.I mean this day.But then again,my laziness syndrome hinders my inclination.haha.Wew.I really hate memorizing!Idk what technique will i do.Everytime i memorize i always feel sleepy.Can you give me some suggestions?haha.Please pray for me.I will be reporting this coming monday for our NCM subject about the history of nursing all over the World.And please do pray for me for my exams.Wish i could pass it.T_T.I also hate analyzation.huhu.I believe in miracles!hhaha.Only that can help me.wew.

Author: Vijay
For all those cricket lovers again it's a spectular session of enjoyment and entertainment because ater a great victory over the australia, Indis starts it's battle against the England. So all the cricket lovers were so m7uch intrest to see the matches between these two teams and always had a ear to update with the scores between these mathces. So all my bloggin friends and dear visitor's here my COOL BLOGS broughts all the live updates of these cricket season, each and every ball and each and every runs from the shots can be enabled through my COOL BLOGS through the cricket updates for my bloggin friends.Enjoy.....

Author: Vijay
This morning, I checked my e-mail. And I received an e-mail coming from my friend in the Philippines. It's been awhile that I didn't receive an e-mail from her. And here is the e-mail that she send to me.
Such forwards from my dear friend make me to rewind the old moments with her, so great friend she is.

Author: Vijay
I just noticed it today that my Post is over 100 already. I am so amazed that I did that only I am so busy and I did not noticed that right away. I reached my hundred post also putting more efforts here on my blog for all the blogging friends more over my dear visitors across the world and I started my blogging in the month of april.I am eight months of blogging and more than 100 posts, like a successful century by a batsmen.What a coincidence? I am so thankful for the visitors, bloggers and friends who always visit me here. Hope you find fascinating tips, gift ideas that will add dazzle to your holidays and provide you a frazzle-free moments. Enjoy reading and staying here:-)

Author: Vijay
This past Tuesday, we took full advantage of the beautiful warm weather we had, and we played outside most of the day, knowing that the next couple of days would be too cold to have outdoor adventures. We had an 80 degree high on Tuesday, and Wednesday the highs dropped into the low 40's! How crazy is Texas weather! Haha!
Anyway, here is a glimpse of the 'fun' the kids had (while Mommy wasn't looking!)

Author: Vijay
so, yeah. i've seen some blogs that have posts called wordless wednesdays and i've loved each and every post because it just contained a picture or two of a mouthwatering dish and i just really loved each post. so i thought about doing it but could not because food is only the best that it definitely needs to be talked about. pardon me, this is a former fat girl that's blogging. hehehe...
today as i sat on one of the chairs in our dining area, i waited for my sis to arrive with the groceries and my mind couldn't help but wander. mom's sinigang was in the air. and i'm certain that my brother is already craving for some. and my dad just wants a bowl of soup to get his appetite running. i'm very much into detail but i fear that there'll be too little to discuss and it would appear too boring. you know, something that'll be black and white. but food can never be that way. its an art that cannot be equaled. it's adored by plenty and it gives satisfaction that could last for hours-no days even! just thinking about it gives me the longing to have a well prepared meal...be it from a fancy restaurant and i have the dishes to share with my fancy friends. or a home cooked meal like mom's sinigang which i shall be sharing with my family. smell it. and you'll already know that it's perfect! -yum-yum!

Author: Vijay
so, i'm having a cloudy sunday afternoon and i have finished most of my chores, i finally have the time to stay infront of my computer and blog about the things i found just recently.
it's safe to say that i love entertainment. i love movies, i love music, i love celebrities, and one can even say that i love a juicy set of gossips. and i know, i'm not alone. i think each person share a common bone when it comes to entertainment because face it, sometimes, we all want to get away from the busy life and just have fun whether it's sitting infront of the tv set or grooving to the new set of music which can all be downloaded to our ipods. and for some, spending time with their computer is one of their sources of fun. they could surf the net, blog, play games, download some music or some movies, or read about their favorites, whatever they may be. and for such people, i found these set of entertainment sites which are all must views because they just really offer great entertainment that involves movies, music, tv shows, and celebrities. if you'll check them out, you'll see what i mean!

Author: Vijay
okay, i'm a newbie when it comes to cooking but i seriously did not think that i would burn the pieces of siomai i thought i'd be serving everybody. my gad, burn siomai?? to think, you cook it through steaming! well, i don't know how it happened. i left it for a while and when i came back, it was burned! :( in my earlier posts, i blogged about how my friend and i love siomai and what we had to do to get some. if you read about that and know that it's a favorite, then you'd know how frustrated i am with myself knowing that i can't cook! well, the picture on top looks really delicious and i just grabbed it from somewhere on the net. i wish it turned out this way! oh well, i just have to try again...

Author: Vijay
As i was going through my stuff, i came across a sheet of paper with lyrics of a song i loved so much back when i was in highschool. the song is not very popular and i hardly know anything about the artist. however, the song is fantastic and can melt your heart. it's called "you first believed" by hoku. to know the song's melody, you can just download it. =)

Author: Vijay
My friend bam took this shot while we were at the office. it was odd that we found a fly on one of the cabinets of our airconditioned office. he was holding my camera to show me of the features of the cam i still do not know about. well, he's the whiz kid when it comes to cameras.
he spotted this fly and thought it was a good idea to take its picture. flash. the fly was blinded. it literally turned over after the flash and we saw it wiggle its tiny legs.
eew, i know. but seeing how the fly reacted to the flash was really funny at that moment. and even just thinking about it right now yes.

Author: Vijay
For the first time for a long long time here in northern CA (where I am at), we are finally hearing in the NEWS to expect some rain late this week or this coming weekends! It is a mixed emotion for us though because we love the rain, we need the rain so badly here in CA, but at this point, our family is NOT ready for the rain to fall very very soon yet because we removed the rain gutter of our house last summer and planned to replace it before winter, of course. But time flies so fast, before we know it rainy season is already here and our house is not fully ready for it! We are extremely busy doing some works outside to finish some of the unfinish works that we started outside in the previous months that will be a problem during rainy days, which is coming up fast and furious. We only have few days left, and we need to get things ready and done, and get the house ready for the rainy days

Author: Vijay
Yesterday, Torontonians, Canadians and foreigners enjoyed the Santa Claus Parade. If the rest of the world are waiting for Santa to visit them on Christmas Eve, then Torontonian’s had the chance to see him in the parade on his slid pulled by the reindeers. It was raining and snowing yet no one moved from their chosen spots. Expectators are from few days old babies to elderly even sick kids was there to glimpsed the mystery of Christmas and it’s famous Ho ho ho’s. It was amazing to see people waiting for long hours before Santa touch down in town. Their enthusiasms were not weathered by rain and snow and temperature was below 5 degrees Celsius. I never have been to a parade that showed these kinds of extreme curiosity and dedication to the essence of Christmas. I was/am very happy to be there with my son who never sees a parade ever. He was very ecstatic, chanting words, cheering and say ho ho ho!