150 UP
Author: Vijay
Wednesday December 31, 2008
Hi my dear bloggers and blogging friends, also sweetest visitors, here by Cool Blogs of mines has hitted over the one fifty posts and there by I putting great effort in my blog to bring up all the possible information to my friends and need all your support to enhance this in a much more grander way..thank GOD.

Author: Vijay
Wednesday December 31, 2008
The hard working team in the cricket always represented like so, even though putting great efforts, some how and some where this country losing their power and missed out many fames in world cup over the fast few years. But now there is a fire among the players which pushed them to put a great effort in the game mode for past few months, winning in all sides against all countries both in the one day international cricket and in test match cricket. Now the series against the Australia is going on, as per the updates, South Africa knocks the Austalia in this series, only two match series this is among the two matches South Africa won both the matches and claim the cup from the world champions Australia, it’s is the historical win for the South African’s against the world champion that in their place.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 30, 2008
Online is the way of connecting the world even known peoples or unknown peoples? Why I too got more benefits in online, by providing my blog COOL BLOGS to this world also collected more online friends through my bloggers. But this online friendship is not a worthy thing, most of the time it provides a worst kind of relation even they get closed in online or through any dating stuffs. Since we can’t able to judge the details that they furnished about him or her will be true or a fake things because we are unseen peoples but we get connected by talking here in through online mode of communication. So while collecting peoples through online as friends or for any other dating stuffs, we have to be beware about the mode of site we getting connected and the type of people we getting connected, more fake and money minded sites also there, so my dear blogging friends and visitors of my COOL BLOGS, there by I stressing you to get good things and avoid bad things especially in online stuffs.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 30, 2008
US election is one of the greatest things held in this year, which has under gone many changes and many comments from the public and the politicians. US the giant and captain for all the other nations, and election in this UN states had pulled the attention of all the countries in this world, putted a remarkable effect and holds a greatest history. In the history of US election this is the first time a black race person has been governed and awarded president post of the greatest nation through a common election, remarkable thing it is.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 30, 2008
In the world of cricket era, a new foundation has been laid by the ICC thus by introducing the twenty twenty cricket and a separate world cup for that twenty twenty series in this year. That too the tigers of the cricket my favorite Indian team has been motivated and roared like a tiger in those twenty twenty series, by taking the champions name in this world cup. The man behind this effort for success is MAHENDRA SING DHONI, who knocks in all direction. Managed the team in front and ruled all the other team in the name of Indian captain, at last brought my favorite India to the peak in the one day international matches and also in the test cricket. All the names and fames for this new captain, not seems like a new captain he acted well and done a great work for his team and this man surely will get great awards for his greatest achievements in the cricket for this year.

Author: Vijay
Monday December 29, 2008
The world champions of the cricket all we know; it’s none other than Australia. The person behind all these victory and leading the world champion team is the versatile player, yes the skipper of the Australian cricket team Ricky Ponting. Ricky Ponting is my favorite player too. His records go on raising, recently again the South Africa in the test match he putted his thirty seventh test cricket century. On the other hand the master blaster Sachin Tendulkar on his way plays with a peak record of forty one centuries in the test cricket match. This young player nearing the master blaster record, all his fans and specially am happier about his records, hope he will gain more records in his cricket game mode. All the best Ricky ponting…cheers fans!

Author: Vijay
Monday December 29, 2008
The Hollywood is the epitome place for the best films and best actors. Since it produced many best films and many talented actors and show the talents of the artists through the films they took and produce. I very much interested in Hollywood, since it’s our epitome place and gave lot of high quality pictures to all over the world. In the year 2008 Hollywood were undergone lot of changes that I observed not only me, all our Hollywood lovers know what are the adverse changes that had been took place in this year 2008 in the Hollywood films, production, acting methods, direction and in all ways. These changes will take our film Industry again to the top, hope this would rise and won lot of hearts through the fore coming productions.

Author: Vijay
Monday December 29, 2008
The elixir and essential duty which we do in the morning to make our self clean and to present our self neat to others is bathing. Bathing which is the compulsory morning duty of every individuals, also which keeps our health hygiene and healthy. While going for bath the other than soap one of the necessary thing we will use is the towel. All will use towel to make their body wipe out after bathing, most of them forget to take towel with them while going for bath and they shout by standing in the bath room also they ask some body to bring the towel after the bath. These are the reason for not proper usage of towel, some poor quality towels makes our self irritation while using it after our bath. I too feel some problems while using some towels which were very rough and tough to use, at last it damages our skin area. So I have founded a pleasant thing from razal they furnishing quality towels with all designs. I check out the catalog of all towels which seems to be very attractive and worthy, for a small expensive cost. I like Towel Cakes, it is a face towel which is very well designed as like slice of delicious cake and more attractive and quality material, lots and lots of designs are available there for the bath and body gifts, my dear friends please try this beautiful and seductive products those like me then you will find the right thing.

Author: Vijay
Sunday December 28, 2008
As a cricket lover, to my blogging friends and also for all the cricket fans, I have to submit this news through my post. After a great won in the Aussies series against the australia, India the tiger of cricket proves builds the strength of the team by again taking up the series from the england in the RBI series, applause for the Indian team and wishing the team for the further success in all modes of the game.

Author: Vijay
Tuesday December 23, 2008
In such type of financial locking condition, the newly appointed president of our nation stated that after the three days from my date of rule, I will make my nation well and will release our nation from this financial lock. These are the exclusive words indicating his brilliant act before the implementation of plans. Hence our new president Mr Barack obama will execute all his plans well and hope will produce a key for this financial lock of the wealthy nation.

Author: Vijay
Over the past few months, the biggest industry and banking sector got back up with the some financial issues. There is heavy loss in the share market, most of the big share holders get in to depression, such worst revenue revolving around the richest nation. We all the American’s are well and richest in the list, but this back lock in the revenue creates many social issues along all countries, since our firms had many mnc branches all over the other developed nations, so there arise a big chaos for the US firms and banking sectors.

Author: Vijay
Mr Obama going to undertake our nation soon, as president he preparing himself with his great plans and these plans are well equipped and designed in an extra ordinary manner. He planning’s to make the already developed nation US to get much more developed in all ways, by recovering from the financial loss and share market rise up, more over he planning to make many treaty with many developed nations to develop the financial and business strategy for the beneficial on all sides towards the advance development.

Author: Vijay
Hi my dear blogging pal’s also my dear visitors, all we know that we are naturally got addicted to the cricket matches in advance now days. So for all those cricket lovers, I had been arranged to bring up the live updates and scores through my cool blogs. Yes, friends you can watch the live updates and scores of the second test of India versus England test match in a cool way from the cool blogs. Enjoy!!

Author: Vijay
One of the delightful dish and tasty dish is American natural pop corn with cheese rolled nuts. But I found that most of the shops selling the worth able American pop corns as a duplicate product. In the name of American Delight, they are giving worthless and unseeded pop corn with some gravy ingredients in a worthless manner, that too for a high cost of eating. So we have to realize the tasty and worth able food and enjoy eating the quality stuffs in quality shops.

Author: Vijay
Ruling a country is not a easy thing, that too ruling a world richest country is the extra ordinary thing. All we know the highest post in this world is the president of America. I came to know a thing that our George W Bush one of the greatest man, president of the US Nation, had a black mark that too due to a men, he faced that black mark, recently in the public while delivering the speech he was punished by a a men that too he thrown her shoes on the greatest position man George w Bush before every one. I was surprised to hear this thing, I don’t know what the reason behind this, one of the worst thing is the greatest leader of the nation had been punished badly before every one. Other thing every one have to think why that men behaved this much cheaply before a leader of the rich nation that too he is a journalist, being a journal he should realize and recognize her mistakes.

Author: Vijay
I started my day earlier today than the usual practice. I alarmed my phone at around 5:00am. At dawn, the rain started to fall, so the morning is so cold. Hence, I woke up passed 6:00am. Well, that is still early for me. I waited for quite a while for the rain to stop. The hour had passed and the raindrops were still falling. So, even it is still raining, I rushed to the terminal to catch a ride for my class. I was late, though, but still able to catch the lesson.
It was a whole day class. It was brain-draining. Going back home was my next activity after the class. I need to ride again for about 2 hours. Although I was just sitting for the 2 hours trip, it was still physically draining. Need to rest now..

Author: Vijay
There has a been temptation and sensation that revolves around all hearts, since it's a beauty competition there is no work for any one's mind. Hence every one heart's melts by looking all the contest holders who went in final rounds of the miss world 2008.Finally it's a unexpected results after a long time women from the Russia,Miss
Russia's Ksenia Sukhinova has been crowned the Miss world title by beating all the other participants.

Author: Vijay
A Filipina friend of mine gave me some of her home-made pandesal and cinnamon rolls yesterday. She is really a good cook and her pandesal taste so good. Here in the US especially in Texas, you can't find pandesal in the stores or bakeshops. I was so delighted when my friend called me and she told me that she will stopped by and give me some of the pandesal and cinnamon rolls that she baked. I told her before that my hubby love to eat pandesal and both of us have been craving for it. We ate some of the pandesal last night and we still have some left and I put it in the freezer. They were so good! It won't be long and we will be in the Philippines and we can eat freshly baked pandesal. I can't wait to be there.

Author: Vijay
I have so many things to do this weekend.I feel im going to explode!LOL.The very first thing i hate is,we have a class every saturday.And we had only one day to rest.WTH.And that one day will be consumed for my assignments,review quizzes,and for my report.I really don't know if i can finish it all tomorrow.I also have to iron my clothes.And i am planning to accomplish it as soon as possible.I mean this day.But then again,my laziness syndrome hinders my inclination.haha.Wew.I really hate memorizing!Idk what technique will i do.Everytime i memorize i always feel sleepy.Can you give me some suggestions?haha.Please pray for me.I will be reporting this coming monday for our NCM subject about the history of nursing all over the World.And please do pray for me for my exams.Wish i could pass it.T_T.I also hate analyzation.huhu.I believe in miracles!hhaha.Only that can help me.wew.

Author: Vijay
For all those cricket lovers again it's a spectular session of enjoyment and entertainment because ater a great victory over the australia, Indis starts it's battle against the England. So all the cricket lovers were so m7uch intrest to see the matches between these two teams and always had a ear to update with the scores between these mathces. So all my bloggin friends and dear visitor's here my COOL BLOGS broughts all the live updates of these cricket season, each and every ball and each and every runs from the shots can be enabled through my COOL BLOGS through the cricket updates for my bloggin friends.Enjoy.....

Author: Vijay
This morning, I checked my e-mail. And I received an e-mail coming from my friend in the Philippines. It's been awhile that I didn't receive an e-mail from her. And here is the e-mail that she send to me.
Such forwards from my dear friend make me to rewind the old moments with her, so great friend she is.

Author: Vijay
I just noticed it today that my Post is over 100 already. I am so amazed that I did that only I am so busy and I did not noticed that right away. I reached my hundred post also putting more efforts here on my blog for all the blogging friends more over my dear visitors across the world and I started my blogging in the month of april.I am eight months of blogging and more than 100 posts, like a successful century by a batsmen.What a coincidence? I am so thankful for the visitors, bloggers and friends who always visit me here. Hope you find fascinating tips, gift ideas that will add dazzle to your holidays and provide you a frazzle-free moments. Enjoy reading and staying here:-)

Author: Vijay
This past Tuesday, we took full advantage of the beautiful warm weather we had, and we played outside most of the day, knowing that the next couple of days would be too cold to have outdoor adventures. We had an 80 degree high on Tuesday, and Wednesday the highs dropped into the low 40's! How crazy is Texas weather! Haha!
Anyway, here is a glimpse of the 'fun' the kids had (while Mommy wasn't looking!)

Author: Vijay
so, yeah. i've seen some blogs that have posts called wordless wednesdays and i've loved each and every post because it just contained a picture or two of a mouthwatering dish and i just really loved each post. so i thought about doing it but could not because food is only the best that it definitely needs to be talked about. pardon me, this is a former fat girl that's blogging. hehehe...
today as i sat on one of the chairs in our dining area, i waited for my sis to arrive with the groceries and my mind couldn't help but wander. mom's sinigang was in the air. and i'm certain that my brother is already craving for some. and my dad just wants a bowl of soup to get his appetite running. i'm very much into detail but i fear that there'll be too little to discuss and it would appear too boring. you know, something that'll be black and white. but food can never be that way. its an art that cannot be equaled. it's adored by plenty and it gives satisfaction that could last for hours-no days even! just thinking about it gives me the longing to have a well prepared meal...be it from a fancy restaurant and i have the dishes to share with my fancy friends. or a home cooked meal like mom's sinigang which i shall be sharing with my family. smell it. and you'll already know that it's perfect! -yum-yum!

Author: Vijay
so, i'm having a cloudy sunday afternoon and i have finished most of my chores, i finally have the time to stay infront of my computer and blog about the things i found just recently.
it's safe to say that i love entertainment. i love movies, i love music, i love celebrities, and one can even say that i love a juicy set of gossips. and i know, i'm not alone. i think each person share a common bone when it comes to entertainment because face it, sometimes, we all want to get away from the busy life and just have fun whether it's sitting infront of the tv set or grooving to the new set of music which can all be downloaded to our ipods. and for some, spending time with their computer is one of their sources of fun. they could surf the net, blog, play games, download some music or some movies, or read about their favorites, whatever they may be. and for such people, i found these set of entertainment sites which are all must views because they just really offer great entertainment that involves movies, music, tv shows, and celebrities. if you'll check them out, you'll see what i mean!

Author: Vijay
okay, i'm a newbie when it comes to cooking but i seriously did not think that i would burn the pieces of siomai i thought i'd be serving everybody. my gad, burn siomai?? to think, you cook it through steaming! well, i don't know how it happened. i left it for a while and when i came back, it was burned! :( in my earlier posts, i blogged about how my friend and i love siomai and what we had to do to get some. if you read about that and know that it's a favorite, then you'd know how frustrated i am with myself knowing that i can't cook! well, the picture on top looks really delicious and i just grabbed it from somewhere on the net. i wish it turned out this way! oh well, i just have to try again...

Author: Vijay
As i was going through my stuff, i came across a sheet of paper with lyrics of a song i loved so much back when i was in highschool. the song is not very popular and i hardly know anything about the artist. however, the song is fantastic and can melt your heart. it's called "you first believed" by hoku. to know the song's melody, you can just download it. =)

Author: Vijay
My friend bam took this shot while we were at the office. it was odd that we found a fly on one of the cabinets of our airconditioned office. he was holding my camera to show me of the features of the cam i still do not know about. well, he's the whiz kid when it comes to cameras.
he spotted this fly and thought it was a good idea to take its picture. flash. the fly was blinded. it literally turned over after the flash and we saw it wiggle its tiny legs.
eew, i know. but seeing how the fly reacted to the flash was really funny at that moment. and even just thinking about it right now yes.

Author: Vijay
For the first time for a long long time here in northern CA (where I am at), we are finally hearing in the NEWS to expect some rain late this week or this coming weekends! It is a mixed emotion for us though because we love the rain, we need the rain so badly here in CA, but at this point, our family is NOT ready for the rain to fall very very soon yet because we removed the rain gutter of our house last summer and planned to replace it before winter, of course. But time flies so fast, before we know it rainy season is already here and our house is not fully ready for it! We are extremely busy doing some works outside to finish some of the unfinish works that we started outside in the previous months that will be a problem during rainy days, which is coming up fast and furious. We only have few days left, and we need to get things ready and done, and get the house ready for the rainy days

Author: Vijay
Yesterday, Torontonians, Canadians and foreigners enjoyed the Santa Claus Parade. If the rest of the world are waiting for Santa to visit them on Christmas Eve, then Torontonian’s had the chance to see him in the parade on his slid pulled by the reindeers. It was raining and snowing yet no one moved from their chosen spots. Expectators are from few days old babies to elderly even sick kids was there to glimpsed the mystery of Christmas and it’s famous Ho ho ho’s. It was amazing to see people waiting for long hours before Santa touch down in town. Their enthusiasms were not weathered by rain and snow and temperature was below 5 degrees Celsius. I never have been to a parade that showed these kinds of extreme curiosity and dedication to the essence of Christmas. I was/am very happy to be there with my son who never sees a parade ever. He was very ecstatic, chanting words, cheering and say ho ho ho!

Author: Vijay
So funny, it's raining here. I just got phone call and this person talking in other language which I don't understand. I just answered back to him and speaking other language as well. You know what? He still kept on talking in his language.
If you are wondering what language he's talking about. I can tell you that it's indian language. Anyway its just a wrong number which the guy dialed.
I can't believe is that he even reply me back in his language. Well, nothing more to say, it's end of phone call. I don't think he will called me back again as I have no idea what I am talking about as well.

Author: Vijay
So tell if you have sponsored some contest. What do you think of it? Is it a good idea? Personally, I am so lazy in holding a contest. That's why I have choose to sponsor my ad space for contest.
I am getting kind of lazy lately that's why you don't see me dropping much card. Anyway if you have thought about sponsor contest whether its a good idea or bad. I like to hear it from you.

Author: Vijay

Author: Vijay
I just want to tell everyone that if you have an online account be sure to secure them. The best thing to do is always change your password. I think it's best to change password every 3 months but I could be wrong. You can tell me how often you change your password.
I am trying to change as often as I can and I don't to lose track on the password I changed. If you are having an online banking account. Do you change the password often?

Author: Vijay
I just couldnt believe this when i heard it but someone actually was able to make italian lasagna in their dishwasher. Now isnt this the strangest thing you've ever heard? No joke but someone actually was able to do it not that i would ever try it. I havnt tried to cook lasagna yet but i think i'll stick with my trusty oven.. hehehehe Here's the low down on the recipe. Bon apetit!

Author: Vijay
I got to know from another friend that her daughter's email account been hacked. Do you want to know who did it? Her daughter told her that's her friend that did it! How sicked is that?
I don't know why one friend would want to hack another friend's email account. She did not tell her about her password. The friend is so smart to have figure out about the password. Tell me how genius is that! Maybe the friend must have know her too well.
Tell me if you will still want to be friend with the person that hacked your email account!

Author: Vijay
My BOSS just loves cars and tonight when we finish our bible study we drive home but i forget to mail a letter so i run by the mail box next to 7eleven but then my wife is hungry for hot dog so we stop and by hot dog and my son see's some car so he automatically glued to those cars so i buy him one. I'm a bad father coz i spoil my son too too much with toys. I think I'm a bad father. Anyways, this is the picture of the car we buy him. Let me here from you.

Author: Vijay
All should have their thought to keep their health fit and well. Most of them will take many of steps to make their health fit and right. Some will go for the various physical treatment methods. Most of them will think that wont worth so they should undergo many self practices such as exercise and various work out through self mode and through gym materials. But in this machine world that too also a tough task to do, so I too have think about all these stuffs and turned my mind to the diet pills. As far as present situation, one of the easiest and best mode for to make our health for the better and well fitted is through diet pills. But so many diet pills are there so I got confused a lot to choose what is the right choice to undertake, finally through my friend I got the right thing. I found this is the best diet pill, which will satisfy my problems regarding the health . Yes, I got acaiberry diet, one of the best diet pill for our health and to mainatin our health in a better and good conditions. So friend don't miss this pill, this is the pill which posses very high quality of drugs for the right diet. I enjoyed and got benefited through this diet pill.

Author: Vijay
I have always been a fan of strawberry ice cream. And when I tried vanilla flavored ice cream, I started to like it also. When Dairy Queen opened at Gateway Mall (I think that was 2 years ago), I tried there brownie temptation blizzard & I was addicted to it. The other day, I went to Robinson's Galleria and I was happy to know that DQ opened a branch there. So I ordered my favorite blizzard. And it was the same yummylicious ice cream that I have tried years ago. Super yummy! If you happen to pass by a DQ branch, I suggest you try this one. Forget the guilt feeling just indulge!

Author: Vijay
Yes,ansones is one of my favorite tropical fruit. It's very delicious and juicy kind of fruit. The leaves, bark and seeds are also useful as it can be used in treating some medical problems. The dried fruit skins when burned emit an aromatic smell which repels mosquitoes.
I still remember during those time that my grandparents bring us to Camiguin Island, the place where you can find tons of Lansones. But the reason why I posted this is because of the shocking price that welcomed me here in the Philippines hehehe. Can you believe the lansones here in the Manila is now 160 per kilo?

Author: Vijay
I'm really happy with my life now. Don't get me wrong, I still wasn't able to get all the things that I wanted but I'm lucky because along the way, I've met new friends. I'm getting used to my work as a CSR, though it has nothing to do with my real profession. I'm enjoying my life now in a call center. I'm happy that I have a lot of new friends & I'm grateful that I was able to get in touch with my old peeps.
Although there have been a lot of trials in my life now. Right now I am living with a friend, let me just clarify that the friend I'm referring to is a girl huh! Haha! I just don't want you readers to think that I've gone crazy. There have been some misunderstanding between me & my eldest brother that forced me to move out. It's hard to be away from home but I wanted to prove something to myself & also to all those who have been underestimating me. In time I'll be able to do that. I'm very positive that things will be better for me.

Author: Vijay
My vacation to the Philippines will be coming up soon. I expect that this will be my last long vacation for awhile; because my eldest daughter is going to school next year, and I will not have much time for traveling for that reason. I don’t know when I will be able to come back again, but, most likely, I will get to return some day. As much as I can, I want to have quality time with my family there and meet my co-blogging friends.
Anyway, it will not be easy to travel with two kids; if you know anything about kids, you know how hyper active they are. Maria will be 4 years old in May 2009 and Bianca will be 18 months old in March of the same year. At their young age, they can’t hold still; they just want to play and run all the time. What I am afraid of is that they will get lost in the airport. I will need extra hands to keep up with my children; so, I have decided to mail my “balikbayan” boxes. Half of the contents of the boxes are my presents for my family, and the other half are my supplies. I hope it will arrive on time; at least, I hope that the latest it will arrive is as soon as I get there.
Therefore, I plan to be traveling very light, with only one hand carry bag and my two children. I think this will be easier to manage; and it will be quicker too, because I will not have wait at the baggage carousels to pick up checked in luggage.

Author: Vijay
Hello dear blogging friends, here its came a grand festival for all of us in my country. I love this festival a lot, not only me right from the age of six to the age of sixty the festival that has been enjoyed by every one is none other than that DIWALI. For a month before itself the celebration towards this festival has been started, I too started celebrating this function through lot of plans. Before a month itself along with my friends and family we started planning how to make over this function as grand success in a grand manner, such as buying of new clothes, buying of new eating items such as sweets and snacks items. More than that I planned to buy crackers, but I lost my interested towards the crackers. Since that and all one age, up to that I had a great expectations over the crackers, very much interested to burst crackers and all that stuffs. Now the real interest is not on the crackers, laziness is the best reason for such thing, I felt to spent time before the television by watching the new programs is better than that of bursting crackers. More over bursting of crackers involves more safety measures while bursting and also wastage of money unnecessarily on the other hand. So I enjoy this light festival in the media lights rather than before the bursting lights.

Author: Vijay
I already bought my new ACER laptop computer this afternoon. This thing , I considered is the 100 percent comes form my online business. I have been in the online business for several months now and I can say that it really helps me in all my household expenses and even my daughters elementary education and our daily expenses. This type of Acer model is so good because its processor is already 2.0 Ghz with all the built in accessories. The reading capacity of this Acer 4730Z is so fast compared to my old desktop. I am so happy this time because of this new high end gadget. I am hoping and that I could get more task so that I can continue sharing more interesting articles and stories.

Author: Vijay
After 3 days of weekend escapade we've got home late last night. It's definitely a fun filled weekend for us and enjoyed every minutes of it. I even have a chance to roamed around in the mall for the Labor Day Sale (lol) while hubby enjoying playing golf with his friends. I am pretty busy this day and I dont have a chance to peek with my computer and still doing some stuffs at this time (waaaaaaaaah) life of a stay at home wife! I am still washing clothes and later I have to fold it.
Glad that hubby loves the fish that I fried for dinner. I dont want to get busy in the kitchen while I'll have a lot of stuffs to be done. Have a wonderful night everyone!

Author: Vijay
Even though now days are holidays for me, so much of work is awaiting for me. All such works are primary works only, but for that itself found no time to undertake and finish all the process soon. I started yesterday with washing my clothes, this washing itself continued for more than three hours, such a amount of clothes are there for washing. Then I started to arrange my bag, it was so dusty and tore, first I took my bag to a bag shop for stitching the un threaded parts of the bag. Hence after coming from the bag shop, had a separate wash over my bag, since it was so dusty, then arranged my files and folders that I had in my system for the easy tasking. Within these time the bag and clothes got dried, I ran to pick my clothes from the dryer and then switched on my iron box to make a iron over the washed clothes, it again takes nearly a hour, no time to eat the snacks also, such a type of running schedule for my primary works itself to get the arrange and keep my things neat and clean.

Author: Vijay
I am the college student this is the time for my enjoyment and happiness. More than all this I like loneliness, while am alone one of my great twin soul which always stays and smoothness is one and only music. without music I can't even spend a hour, that much I love the music, more than that I had great interest towards singing. I will start singing together when I hearing the songs in my ipod. I love my ipod since it's a greatest device for me, as a music lover without ipod I wont eat the food also. While eating also I always hold my ipod in my ears and I will concentrate all my favourite songs. I have a large number of play lists that are my most favourite songs, all those songs I stored in my computer. The songs which I have downloaded in my computer are stored in my favourite play lists, but more than my computer I love to hear my play lists in my ipod, since I had ipod nano, which is very compact and portable. I will take my ipod nano where ever am moving more than that I hold my MP3 player in my bag along with my ipod nano since some of song formats such as .wma are cannot accessible in my ipod, so at these times my MP3 player supports me, since already said am the great music lover always needs music more than that of foods. Also I can hear FM in my MP3 player but it can't be adopt in my ipod, so am happily enjoying with my ipod and ready to buy a new ipod also to give a present for my friend.

Author: Vijay
Last night the temperature suddenly dropped down from 50F to 25F 2C. I cant believe that in the middle of fall it would get so cold like that! My friend turn up the heater cause its getting chilly inside the house and I have to wear a jacket because my body is not used to with the cold yet. I've noticed that some of our trees got no leaves left like this one in the picture. Just a couple of days ago I took a picture of it and it was still full of leaves, now it looks like its dead. So early to be so cold, we still got a lot of plans to do outside, I guess we have to postponed it for next year. My friend said that there still be more warm days like in the middle of November and December, well I hope so! I have to remind myself that I need to do some shopping for winter clothes and shoes for JJ to keep him warm whenever we take a walk around the yard.

Author: Vijay

Author: Vijay
..first day of work week. I woke up discovering that my car was covered in frosts. I was kinda expecting it even without watching the weather network because it was really cold inside last night. The furnace was on most of the night. I have to warm up my car ahead of time, the ground was just covered with frost. I think it was -4 deg Celsius this morning. It's gonna be up to only 6 deg Celsius today, so it is still chilly especially with a bit of wind. It is a really clear day though.

Author: Vijay
First I want to congratulate the Tampa Bay Rays for beating the Boston Red Sox and be the winner of the 2008 American League Championship Series. I just learned all this stuff in 2 months and I am so proud that the worst team in baseball last year being able to compete in the 2008 World Series this year. It is truly a Cinderella story for the Tampa Bay Rays and being able to prove to the world that they can do all this and win their games.

Author: Vijay
It was really funny; yesterday I decided to cook some dried fish outside. The three neighbors that were surrounded by our house own a dog. I think it was only us who don't have a dog. They usually put their dogs in their back yard. Now, every time I cook a fish in our back yard, the dogs of my three neighbors will really bark in chorus. It was just funny how they react with the smell of the food that I was cooking...I also noticed that our neighbor came out from their house maybe to checked what happen why his dog was barking. And when he is about to go out, he maybe smell my food and immediately close the door. I could see that he was covering his nose...hopefully he wont complain about the smell...I don't really know why white people found the smell of the dried fish so awful. For me, the smell of the fried dried fish will surely enhance my appetite!

Author: Vijay
My dad has always been good on predicting stuffs. And now he predicts that Obama will win the presidential election. Well I guess on this he does know what he's talking about. Obama did win the Presidential election. Congratulations to him. Change will indeed come to America. I hope it's for the better. It's really hard to think about a lot of problems. And the United States of America has loads of them!
Since it's one of the first world countries and is indeed One f the most powerful countries nowadays, America is facing tons of things. Good Luck to Mr. President Obama. I hope he focuses on helping third world countries. haha and a lot of Philantropic works. LOL. or stuffs like that. I hope he won't be all too consumed that he won or be air headed or something like that. blah blah blah..
but who cares what I think about?!. The point is. My dad is a very good Psychic. hehe. He really knows what he's doing and his predictions are 90% accurate! weeeeeee!!

Author: Vijay
While I was browsing online, I found this cool information. Is it really true that caffeine is good to our skin? Well I don't like to drink caffeine for the moment I drink, it will surely keep me awake until morning and the following day, I need to expect to have a very bad head ache. But the information that just read just really caught my attention. Wow! One thing I've heard that caffeine can also help you remembering things. Looks like you can get a lot of things from caffeine. But the fact is, it is still caffeine and when you drink too much of it, it can definitely lead you to harm. So, I think one cup of coffee everyday is enough?

Author: Vijay
Today we suppose to go to Disneyland Paris.We already planned it almost a week but it is just happen that my sister in law decided not to go there.Grrr!!I told my husband that how come that she change her plan just this morning.He said that he can't force her sister,she always like that.There are days that she just sit,read and watch TV.I said that i am very bored,normally weekend we have our small shopping but since they are here we thought that our weekend would be more nice but it is the contrary though.What i did is i just planted my roses that i bought with my husband during our food shopping.And when our neighbor saw me that i am planting roses she kindly gave me some nutrients products for roses.She is so nice lucky to have this kind of neighbor:-)

Author: Vijay
I am into watching dramas right now particularly the Japanese ones. I love the way they act, not because they are great actors and actresses or they're considered idols in Japan but I like the way they portray their characters, one would think that they were actually the real ones. I also like the unique types of dramas they're producing deviating from the usual guy-girl relationship that for all we know would end up together at the end of the series. But that's for another post.
Since there are only select few Asian dramas shown here in the Philippines (and all of them are dubbed) one cannot choose what to watch. There are MANY dramas out there that can give networks a chunk in audience shares but I am quite surprised that none of our local networks bought right to those dramas. So, my only recourse was get subtitled ones from forums or watch it online.
Watching it online will do but quality sucks bigtime! Not to mention poor audio on online streaming sites. Although I watch the first few episodes online to test if a certain dramas is good, I usually end up downloading them through torrents. I first thought that having this SmartBro connection doesn't really help when you download dramas where each episode can be as much as 700MB, imagine the period of waiting I have to endure with a sucky internet connection. But I was surprised to find out that my downloads can go as fast as 80 to 90kbps, just when I thought that I'll have to keep my laptop on for long hours just to get one single episode. Getting 80 to 90kbps speeds is pretty fast for a standard SmartBro connection where my usual downloads would only average 10-12kbps. I once concluded that those almost-unbelievable speeds were caused by multiple peers online at the same time. But when I tried downloading a few 100MB files from file-sharing websites and tried buffering videos from YouTube, it's actually FAST! Faster than my expectations from a SmartBro connection, are they getting better at it or is it just me?

Author: Vijay
I took photos of these flowers on my daily walks here in a foreign country. They are breathtaking... They are multi-colored --- pink, yellow,lavender, orange, white. They made my day...They are called tulips.
Although tulips are connected with Holland ( dubbed as "Land of the Tulips") they can actually be found anywhere especially on mountainous areas with the dormancy of cool temperature. Hence, it will always be found in temperate regions. Since i am in the European country, tulips abound everywhere. I love tulips.
Here are some of the photos that i took. I hope i can go to Holland one day and so i can take photos of millions of well-manicured tulips. For the meantime, i am quite content with these ones...

Author: Vijay
I opened all my usual sponsored and blogging things, by the way let its boring to wait on the other and don't know what to do in this span of time, forwading the messages to my friends in mobile also get worst and very bored to carry that task too. At last, I switched on my windows player and listed my favourite songs in the favourite songs paly list on the additional tab of my windo palyer list to relax my self, don't know why I got more relax and inspiration especially due to the musics and my list of favourite songs.

Author: Vijay
Well, it's pretty good. The people I worked with last night are mostly Filipino and they speak "bisaya"...sige lang mi ug tabi after patient care:-) So far I'm having fun taking care of patients though sometimes there are tough or not well oriented patients. But that's why they are there because they can't take care of themselves. They need help! I think my heart is really into the medical field hehehe because I love what I'm doing. I just wish I can get into the nursing program quick so I can work as an RN sooooooon and get paid more than what I make now.

Author: Vijay
Oh my! Thanks God its my day off today. It's cleaning time for me. Early this morning I got up around 6am before husbee left for work. Just after he left, I came back to bed with the laptop with me:-) I tried to chase some opps but oh boy the big fish slipped away from my hand. Poor me today! I fall asleep after I failed in chasing opps. I guess I was tired.
I just wake up right now and I check ppp there 's a small fish! Oh well better than nothing right? I still have lots of stuff to do around the house. I have to f

Author: Vijay
Hi folks goodmorning! I don't really have that much to say because I'm tired and lazy today. Since I started working, I get lazy to wake up early to chase opps or sit in the computer to wait for the opps:-) I don't even update my blog no more and
do bloghopping as well. I do appreciate to all those who always visit my blog and left some messages. Thank you!!! I will do my bloghopping during my days off.

Craving for Chips
Author: Vijay
Two years ago, when I went home in the Philippines , I went to roam around the night market when I found this old woman who are selling Banana Chips and Taro Chips. I was already familiar with the Banana chips, so for a change and out of curiosity, I bought the Taro Chips. And to my surprise, I liked its taste! I loved it! It’s taste is similar to that of a potato chips and I prefer of dipping it with mayo and ketchup before eating it. Gosh! I’m starting to crave for taro chips. I can’t really forget the experience of indulging myself with taro chips.

Author: Vijay
My friend ate Ellen came over here in the house earlier today. She called me last night and said she wants to come over to visit me today. Lucky I'm off today. She brought some food from KFC:) It's been a while we don't see each other because she's busy working as a doc and I'm busy too. Haayyy life... Oh well forget the drama!
I just want to say thank you to ate Ellen for coming over and bringing some food. You are so good for treating me as part your family. Salamat kaayo te.

Author: Vijay

Author: Vijay
The news about today's transport strike started around last week. People were saying that there would be no classes that day and that everybody should really participate in the strike and show their sympathy about high gas prices. There were others too who said that there will still be classes - strike or no strike! Grrrr....
Anyway, I woke up around 6:30 am, way too early for my 1 pm class. But I had to go early because I had some things to attend to at school. Plus, I want to study there (coz there are a lot of distractions at home). My friend texted me and told me there were classes. So I took a bath, got dressed, ate breakfast and my dad gave me a lift to my school. When I arrived there, people were already saying that there were no classes. And there weren't any!!!! Grrr... I went early for nothing!
Enough of my rants... bottomline is, I hope that this problem regarding gas prices will be resolved soon. I just hate it when people complain that they are poor already or they don't have money because of high gas prices. I hate it when I see jeepney drivers and other motorists suffer because of it. I just hate the fact that it is really a big problem in our society. I just hate it!

Author: Vijay
It was first day of school and all the mothers were surprised seeing that the room seemed crowded. During the enrollment, it was promised that there would be no more than twenty students in the room. Now, they are 26! Imagine that! How can they manage it? The teachers were apologetic and they said that they will come up with a solution and we just have to wait for the announcement. I asked where my son is going to be seated and I told them that I do not like the idea that he be seated at the last row. They said it would be temporary. All the other parents are becoming furious also.
Finally, last Thursday, the school management realized that they themselves could not handle 26 students in one class. There will now be two sections with 13 students each. Not bad at all.

Author: Vijay
Yipeee!It is my rest day tomorrow!That's how I always feel at the end of a day's work before my rest day. And today, yes it is my rest day. What makes it so special? Well, besides the obvious of being away from work and all the pressures that come with it...I can really relax in my own ways.
What do I do during my rest days? It is as regular as yours I suppose.I want to enumerate them.
1.Long sleep- I love sleeping. I love sleeping more than eating. I can sleep the whole day for 20 hours! I say 20 hours and not 24 because there are some hours for of course, a " little eating"..He, he. But now, that I am married and has a very good and "behave" son, a few hours of sleep after lunch time will do.
2.Malling- Yes. Going to the mall is already a part of our lives. I do not exactly love malling but we have to go there because our son would like to go to the Arcade for some games.We also do the marketing at the mall's Supermarket. Of course, the window shopping in the mall is also in the list. Then of course, we eat there.
3.Laundry Work- I also do all the washing during my rest days.It is automatic already. It becomes robotic of me that I cannot do away with washing clothes during my rest days.
4.Ironing clothes- it is not as regular as washing but there are times that all I want to do is to iron all our clothes.
I think that's about it. Whew! Seems like I did not have a rest day at all? Oh, I forgot to include that I will be the one to take care of my child for 24 hours! Ha,ha!
That's how my rest day goes. Hmmm...Even if my off from work is somehow more work...I will still say that my rest days are precious.I know that you know what I mean.

Author: Vijay
We’re now in the middle of the week. It seems this week the weather is so quiet changeable, cold, windy then quiet warm, huh! As you know we’re in the fall season now, which I like the most the leaves are, colourful that makes at the outside more beautiful.
Anyway, I am now 3 months (if I am not wrong) member of EC card dropping and I am enjoying dropping to those people who have patient dropping their EC card to mine. I know who were always dropping EC card. Don’t hesitate just drop yours, if you drop I drop to yours too. Well, see you then! Wish you had a great Wednesday.

Author: Vijay
I not know what to say in here. lol. Well, first i am not Imelda hehehe.... this is Rosemarie of My Journey, Celebrate Life , Deeply In Love. Yay, ipromote ba ang mga lahat ng blog ko dito. lol.. Anyway, while typing this post i am not sure if ma'am Imelda is still in the land of dream or in the venue of the siminar.
By the i am finally done with the layout of her other blog see it here and hopefully she will like it. hehehe...

Author: Vijay
Ya some people claim that they prefer summer in the philippines than summer in canada.
what do i think?
summer in the philippines is hot. humid. and sunny. summer in canada is hot. dry. and scorching.
last year when i didn't realize that summer was about to start, i was surprised to see my son come back from school 2 shades darker than when he had left for school.

Author: Vijay
One of my friends is thinking of putting up a restaurant and is now in the process of planning her business and researching her market.
As with any new business, the planning stage is always the most exciting phase. from naming the restaurant, to creating the menu, to choosing the furnitures, each area is thoroughly explored and well thought of.
Sourcing of suppliers is one area that she is very particular about. quality of suppliers is something that is non-negotiable as this would directly affect the image of her business.

Author: Vijay
Hi everyone, just a quick update you know. I am still here and a quick checking this blog and quick sitting in front of my computer. You know, I just have nothing to do at home but I felt lazy and tired to post new entry in here, I usually play with my baby boy and besides I talked to my sis in Florida and bros in Philippines through online communication when my son in deep sleeping. It seems couple of days now I didn’t write new entry in here anyhow at this time I am not motivated to post new entries I feel kind a lazy at this moment and don’t know what I should write and share all of you. I’ll be back later on for more updates in here. Don’t worry about your EC card dropping, I’ll drop mine when you drop yours. (smile)

Author: Vijay
I woke up today and prayed that it will be a good day! I will be back to the office but I still feel lazy. Would you believe that I have not iron my office uniform? There is no excitement at all.
Before, I am always excited to go to the office. I do not know what is getting into me now. But, I know that I should love my work. The company I am working for has been good to us.
I guess I just have to find something to inspire me going to the office again...besides the usual chit chat that I will be having with my office friends.
I just hope though that they will be present today. Really, I draw strength and energy from them. If it is their rest day, then I would really be lonely .

Author: Vijay
Normally I found lazy only, but in addition to that today I felt too lazy in the morning itself don't know why it is like that. I felt climate may be a reason for such a lazy mind set in the morning itself. Am still sitting on bed and sighting the climate itself, such a wonderful climate it is. Today so cloudy climate no sun, cool air blowing in all directions makes me feel sooth and little shivering too due to cool air, liek my cool blogs..HA HA. Hence I felt too lazy to start my things, but dont find lazy to write post in my blog, such a enthusiastic person am towards my blog. HA HA

Author: Vijay
Whether we endured a difficult childhood or experienced rejection from a hurtful lover, we all have emotional wounds in need of healing. As part of the preparation for magnetizing your soul mate you must now decide to actively begin healing the deepest wounds of your heart. Please note that I said to “begin” the healing process. For many of us this may be a lifelong process and it doesn’t mean you have to be fully healed to manifest your soul mate. In fact, one of the things a soul mate does is HELP you to heal
your deepest wounds. BUT . . . I believe you really do need to clear out the stuff that is KEEPING you from having your soul mate in your life. If the walls around your heart are ten feet thick and you are unaware that you are blocking love from entering you will be sending the Universe mixed messages. One part of you will be a giant YES to having a relationship while your wounded heart is unconsciously saying “No, I am afraid of being hurt again.”

Author: Vijay
So Australia gave themselves a chance, but as you'd expect these days, against Laxman, Tendulkar and co. didn't quite have the cattle to claim 10 Test wickets in two and a half sessions. Gone are the days of Warney hey?
Well, a draw here makes Australia's job of retaining the Border-Gavaskar Trophy that bit harder. A one-nil lead was what was required.
Eventhough its a test series it took place like a one day cricket with twists and turns all round the innings.

Author: Vijay

Author: Vijay
The killer fish in my aquarium is fascinating. I don't know it catches mosquitoes until today when i was looking at it intently because i was supposed to feed it. At a quick impulse, it got the hovering mosquito above the waters in its aquarium. I thought at first, that the fish would fly out of the aquarium. I love this fish. It kills my number one enemy, mosquitoes. Mosquitoes enter the house despite our screen doors and windows. They are are wise to go along with people coming in and out of the house. Now, i have the killer fish to eat them together with the house lizards.

Author: Vijay
Allergy is something canadians take very seriously. and with good reason too. as reactions to allergies are sometimes fatal.
A lot of the people here in canada are allergic to something. in schools, students are required to bring peanut-free snacks and lunches because a lot of the students are allergic to peanuts. this serves as a preventive measure in the event that the student decides to trade their snack or lunch with someone else.
when friends of my children come over, i also make it a point to ask the parents if their child is allergic to anything. with so many allegies here, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Author: Vijay
It’s another Monday. We’re almost in the middle of the month of October, right? Times goes by so fast we are closer now of the month of Christmas. My mom flight going back to Philippines is getting closer and closer, I am busy buying and thinking what I should buy more for presents for my dad, sis and bros (pasalubong). I am sure I will miss my mom hmm.. In addition, I am sure my mom misses also her first grandchild.
Anyway, what keep me busy at this moment, I am doing book album for my mom. Yesterday I already sent to ifolor.ch service the first book album but I have a lot more photos for book album for my mom. I hope this will not be late, but I am trying to find a new service making book album that they can ship direct to the Philippines to my parents address. I hope I could find one. Let me search folks. I will tell you more later on.
Wish you had great day wherever you are around the globe. Tschüss

Author: Vijay
We were watching ABS CBN Channel 2 then the screen went blank. When it came back, the channel was already Cartoon network! Who changed the channel? The remote control was inside the bedroom. There are only three of us in the house and all of us were at the sala. We just looked to each other and I turned the channel to ABS again. We did not entertain any thought of ghost as my husband’s mother died recently. What do you think?

Author: Vijay
I am now trying to balance my time. I have not done the actual schedule of my daily activities yet but I realized that yes, I should have time for everything. Sacrifices would be made but I hope that it would be for the better. I am sure that my husband is noticing that I now go to bed earlier than usual. I do not wake up in the wee hours of the morning also. I am also trying to become a better wife and mom meaning doing my obligations as the woman inside the house. I mopped our floor two days ago! Whoa! You might think why I am so proud of it? I never mopped our floor before. I am that lazy. I did mopped floors of a certain fast food store though when I was still working as a service crew. Yeah, I can mop with pay, ha,ha,ha!
I can do the laundry but cleaning the house? I am not really good at that. I am taking one day at a time though. I could not rush everything.

Author: Vijay
I was in a friend's house the other day.
He was up preparing food when i noticed that his playstation was left open in the basement. so i went up and told him about it.
He casually said that he really left it on. "what?! why would you do that? isn't that such a waste of electricity?"
"no. because i'm playing." "how can you be playing? you're not playing. you're up here, cooking."
"I AM playing. it's on auto-pilot." "WHAT?!?! it's on what?!"

Author: Vijay
Hey bloggers if you need to know, How to collect stamps and build that habit? Then you need to visit Armand Rousso, which is one best blog I never saw in regarding the stamp collection. Stamp collection is one of the best habit a man should posses in this world. The blog gives important stuff about number of different stamps available in this world. This is other wise known as Philately. The blog also make sures even basic details required for blog collection. They mention about the need for children to adapt this type of habit.

Author: Vijay
Raining season is here once again. I noticed our kitchen is leaking again on the walls. Water drips down to the flooring. I wish it is Saturday already, so i can call a handyman and fix it for us. I was telling my son that he should know how to make minor fixes in the house. Maybe , its too early yet, he's just 13 to give him that responsibility. Anyway, a handy man may be available on Satruday so goodbye, leaks.

Author: Vijay
I accompanied my kids to the dentist yesterday.
As i was waiting outside the waiting room, a little girl around 7 or 8 years old, came out from the dental room and was on her way out the door when she was stopped by her mom.
Her mom told her, "wait, let me pay first." to which her daughter replied, "what?!?! you actually have to pay for this?? you pay to torture me?!"
All the mommies in the waiting room couldn't help but laugh.

Author: Vijay
Have you noticed that Blogger is getting friendlier? I tried the other platform before but I just can't get through with the template editing and the like. With Blogger, it is so easy. Moreover, when you go to the dashboard now, there are added graphics- they actually changed add new widget to add a gadget. Maybe to make it known that it is okay to experiment on your blog and those new widgets are actually gadgets that will make your site look cooler.

Author: Vijay
I received a call from my friend Grace today. She lives in Canada already. We have known each other since we were in Grade 5, though we really became really close when we were in College. Yes, we were classmates most of our school years. We were church mates and member of the same choir too at one point. Talking about long lasting relationships, huh!
We basically watched each other grow. We might not be best of friends but we are true friends. I love Grace. She never forgets to call on a regular basis besides the constant e-mails.She inspires me also. We took Physical Therapy and she is now a certified Physical Therapist. I have not passed the boards and she is trying to push me to persevere. Say, she is really a good influence to me.
She said that she misses my company. I do also. You know, those times that we will just stay at her place and she will cook kare-kare, chicken curry or the lumpiang gulay. She is also a very good cook by the way. She is also my movie companion. She was living nearby a mall before. And you know what? I also inherited her place when she left for Canada.
Hay, almost all my friends are abroad already. I really miss all of them. They are the ones who really know me inside and out. I can be myself to them without any fear of being misjudged or hurt.

Author: Vijay
This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog does not accept any form of advertising, sponsorship, or paid insertions. We write for our own purposes. However, we may be influenced by our background, occupation, religion, political affiliation or experience.
This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. We believe in honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The compensation received may influence the advertising content, topics or posts made in this blog. That content, advertising space or post will be clearly identified as paid or sponsored content.
The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.
This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest.

Author: Vijay
Have you gotten over the news about the new released cell phone that works as a cell phone and at the same time a music instrument like a violin, a guitar, a clarinet and an organ? I heard it over the TV news that it is the new release in the market. I saw the cell phone unit that is a sleek one and used as various musical instruments. It is really so amazing how the people behind these can be always steps ahead to integrate the many functions of varied things into the cell phone unit, which is a basic gadget every individual can't live without everyday. Let us wait and watch the multifarious facets of this cellphone and how this would impact upon the lives of men.

Author: Vijay
It is almost summer time and the hot weather is starting to make its presence felt.
After a long season of heavy and layered clothing, everyone certainly welcomes the change. my kids are enjoying the warm breeze and are enjoying the fact that they are able to wear lighter clothing.
On an average warm day, you would see my daughter wearing either a dress or a skirt while my son chooses to wear pants to cover his legs from the heat and to protect it from possible scratches which he could get from playing with his friends.

Author: Vijay
The beautiful mind is a really awesome movie.It casts Russell Crowe as John Forbes Nash who is a noble laureate and is known for his work in economics. Russell Crowe has done really wonderful job in this.I love the way he acts schizophrenic is totally cool, All his mannerism are totally opposite To what he was potrayed in movies such as the gladiator or the LA Confidential. It is really an treat to watch as Russell Crowe is at his best in this movie. Especially when is asked to help people inside the pentagon facility,We can really witness the what a great actor he is. All i got to say is that this movie went into my collection long back!!!! The favourite scene of mines that moment they were play the game around the street in a cool manner, what a scene I admired a lot,it turns my mind a beautiful one after watching such a wonderful movie and enjoyed too.

Author: Vijay
I have received some images from one of my blogger friends and I thought to share about those pics here, which have different funny shapes in the art of food. I thought the creations are cool and totally wild. I’ve shown some of them to the kids and they were both amazed and now bugging me to make the same “hahahhaah”, I can’t even carve a decent pumpkin head. I love the watermelon and I will make one if it’s not too expensive. Watermelon can cost from $5 to 7 a head here in Georgia.
The bread is pretty wild with the knife in its mouth and I like the apple too. I might do the apple later tonight and will see if I can make the same art. Anyway, I don’t have much news for right now. I’ve just woke up and hour ago. I need to get out and do some errands.

Author: Vijay
One of my favourite game is cricket that one of most favourite team for me in cricket is Australia. There may be many doubts over the cricket fans regarding the cap that is being reffered as “Baggy Green”.Over a period of time it has become a unique brand in cricket with media also playing a role in it’s importance..There is a tradition in Australian Cricket for many years whereby a debutant gets the baggy green presented to him by a former player.The Australian baggy green is not available for merchandising nor is the Australian Test shirt.ACB and now Cricket Australia has ensured that the cap has not fallen prey to the merchadising industry.

Author: Vijay
Did you know that grass shouldn't be cut too short? i certainly didn't know that. and i had to learn it the hard way.
I only found out about this tiny bit of info when our grass in the front lawn died. yup. dead. brown. dried. it was definitely an ugly sight. especially since ours was the only one on our street suffering from that state.
I was really embarrassed so i pestered hubby to do something about it. either hire someone to do it or try do it himself. but hubby was feeling up to the challenge and decided to give it a try.

Author: Vijay
I love to watch cooking over tv programs. But, i admit i only know cooking a few dishes. I just love the simple recipes, especially the receipes that have available ingredients in the grocery store. This time for a variation to the usual food i serve to children, i will look over simple and easy to follow Thanksgiving recipes and surprise my kids with new menus.

Author: Vijay
So, how is the word relative related here????...Its easy, i was addicted(related) to movies in the recent past..i must have watched approximately 31 movies for the past 31 nights :). 2 movies were so GOOD...its the best
A WEDNESAY (HINDI, A perfect thriller)
Others were
kungfu panda
the incredible hulk
the great debaters
three kings
american history x
micheal clayton
parugu (telugu)
ready (telugu)
kantri (telugu)
saroja (tamil)
dham dhoom (tamil)
jayam kondain (tamil)
The only stupid movie is "ROCK ON". I wasted 3 hrs in the movie...Everyone liked the movie...may be i didnt understand.. Here i conclude by requesting you to watch A WEDNESDAY :)..cos the film makes all the civilians think...

Author: Vijay
My children enjoy carnivals, circus and fun shows. They enjoy any family getaways and the overwhlmeing joy i see in their beaming faces are enough for a mother like me to strive to save for a next getaway trip. A few years ago, i took them to one of the biggest adventure park here. Upon the entrance gate, i cold see from my son's faces the amazement of the place and confusion on where to start with. They took almost all the rides without my presence because i don't have tolerance now to going for fun rides. They always exclaim the ride was fun every after ride they get. My children's happiness are my happiness so no matter what the cost, i pay for it because it is always the enjoyment of my children that matters.
I told them the rides they have taken here are nothing compared to Walt Disney World. Upon hearing that, my younger son promised to be good always, and my elder promised he will not ask for his extra allowance in school, if only to bring them there. I could just laugh at them. But, i promised that i will bring them there, in one of their summer vacations. It may take time yet, but i will fulfill this promise to them.
I came across this site at www.orlandofuntickets.com and this is a reliable site to buy magical theme parks and discount disney tickets. Wow, this will be a great help to me. I can't wait to make this dream come true happen to my children to visit the world full of fantasies at Orlando. Well, at least i know now where to buy discounted walt disney tickets and the realization of going there with the kids will soon follow.

Author: Vijay
Even though there are thousand songs, only one song which attracts me towards the way of the music. That song is composed with a high beep and used various back ground music which makes a incident on my ears and reflect through other ear. The sound of that song brought me back to the location of the song it self such a narrated lines with a well quoted meaning more than that of all the sounds. No others words to describe to explain my favourite song. Am not sounding for this song alone especially because of my favourite in consideration, if any one hears this song they won't refuse to hear, surely they will ask once more for playing this song, such a beautiful song composed with high quality music. Its none other than AKON, its my favourite music album songs of all.

Author: Vijay
Before a month I started my college but now days the weekends also turned as working days, so I didn't felt any difference between the weekends and the weekdays. Since the admission of the college is delayed, classes where started too late. Thus it makes a pressure for all teaching staffs and university in accomplishing the full syllabus within a short period of time that too within this short time two unit assessment tests and two model tests were awaiting these one side urging all of us to tend to study, so hectic now days. Once we have a lot time and we don't do what to do in those span of times in the holidays. But after the college, there is no time to relax and to eat also, one side university making pressure to college to finish syllabus, for that college keeping weekend also working days, by keeping this special classes authorities urging staffs to finish their syllabus, finally they putting all their pressures by scolding and behaving strictly in the college classes..oh GOD!

Author: Vijay
Every person should have some uniqueness and cetain policies with them. For me the hrgiene and clean are those things I considered those things in to my first order ranging things. Without colour no art will rise shines. Similarly without cleanliness no pure life has been achieved. We have to keep clean ourself and want to eat healthy foods, since the world is so polluted and no pure air has been there so relieve from such a impure world. Atleast we have to cultivate some cleanliness policies. I have my hygiene methods towards my life that makes me physically better and mentally fit. If u have cleaniliness with u ur thoughts to turn as be good ones, will blossom ur smell every where. So maintain a self-hygiene first, then the society will automatically turn as clean city.

Author: Vijay
We get happy and pleasure when we expecting some persons arrival else the person who coming before whom we had plan to meet. More than this expect person we get much happier when the unexpected person comes before us. Like wise while I moving towards college one un expected person comes before me. I didnt call the person to come and meet me but he itself came and gave a pleasant feel to me. Its none other that "rain" after so long time there is a showers of rain in my city ands we never expected this. The sky slowly turned and showers rain today I felt happier whn the rain drops fall on, even though I got wet due to this rain. I happily enjoyed walking in the rain without any umberalla also, by giving a warm welcome to the rain. My body cells got rejunvated when the rain drops falls on me...WOW..super .,

Author: Vijay
My husband takes the train to work. i bring him to the train station. this works well because: (1) he gets to relax on his way to work, (2) he doesn't have to look for parking, (3) i get to use the car during the day instead of it being stuck in some parking lot, and (4) there is always entertainment on board.
the thing with public transportation here, whether it be the train, the bus or the streetcar, is that people tend to speak as if they are the only people on board. so, it is not unusual to hear snippets of conversation here and there.
just yesterday, on his way home, he was seated across two filipinos and their canadian friend. they were discussing how their days went and how much they love coffee. when suddenly one of the filipinos asked the canadian friend, "so have you ever tried... uh... have you ever tried brave coffee?"
brave coffee?! what IS brave coffee? this conversation has obviously caught my husband's attention. he was curious. what is brave coffee?! he's never heard of it before.
quite interestingly, even the filipino's friends didnt know what he was talking about too. my husband could see him trying to explain what brave coffee is. to no avail. he just kept on repeating the words "brave coffee... you know... brave..."
until finally, out of this guy's frustration, he turned to his fellow filipino friend and decided to speak in tagalog. "pare, ano ba?! brave coffee... yung kapeng matapang!"
like i always say, word for word translation is definitely not the way to go.